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How Well Do You Know: 3/11/16-3/17/16
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1. Very much in-demand Star Wars actress Daisy Ridley is being considered to take up this action heroine roll, if you believe internet accounts - which we always do:
Sarah Connor
Ellen Ripley
Lara Croft
Wonder Woman
2. At a recent White House state dinner for the Canadian prime minister, the stark white hair atop the head of this Canadian celeb caused quite a stir:
Mike Myers
Jim Carrey
Justin Bieber
Ryan Reynolds
3. While we are talking politics, we all got a laugh out of side-by-side photos that seriously call into question whether or not presidential candidate Ted Cruz is actually a member of this novelty rock band:
Right Said Fred
Presidents of the United States of America
4. One final politics/pop culture note: Broadway came to Pennsylvania Avenue this week, as the cast of which smash musical performed for the Pres at the White House?
Kinky Boots
Billy Elliot
Book of Mormon
5. The crazy week continued as this Pitch Perfect cast member reported that she was drugged with a spiked drink at a Los Angeles night club:
Anna Kendrick
Rebel Wilson
Brittany Snow
Anna Camp
6. Because there's still money to be made, this week we learned of the plans for the _____________ movie to be produced:
4th Back to the Future
5th Indiana Jones
6th Dirty Harry
7th Rocky
7. Attention, citizenry! You can all stand down: which wacky celebrity issued a statement that he is fine and not, as buzzy internet reports claimed, being held hostage in his own home:
Elton John
Carrot Top
Nicolas Cage
Richard Simmons
8. 2016 has been a brutal year for celebrity passings, and now death comes for the offspring of the famous. This year the entertainment world said RIP to the son of this famous singer:
Frank Sinatra
Sammy Davis, Jr.
Lionel Richie
9. A sequel, of sorts, to horror movie favorite Cloverfield hit the box office over the weekend. What type of thoroughfare is mentioned in the film's title?
10. It's probably an insult to your Bachelor-watching intelligence to ask you if you know the woman picked as the "winner" in this week's finale, leaving which runner up as next season's Bachelorette:
Nikki / Kristy
Emma / Abigail
Jana / Chelly
Lauren / JoJo

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