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How Well Do You Know: 1/25/16-1/31/16
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1. The schoolyard pick of players for the NFL Pro Bowl teams proved to be prescient, as this man who was picked first went on to be the game's MVP:
Eli Manning
Carson Palmer
Andy Dalton
Russell Wilson
2. Meanwhile, it's worth noting, we suppose, that none of the seven players selected from this team opted to play in the game:
New England
San Francisco
Kansas City
3. In an entirely different sport, the NHL All-Star Game was played on Sunday in the home of the:
4. If you got canned over the weekend, you have an unfortunate amount in common with the man who, until Sunday, was head coach of this NBA team:
5. In other Tales from the Association, the Clippers' Blake Griffin is going to be out for a long, long time, after he went and busted his hand hitting:
A referee
A wall
A member of the team's equipment staff
The team's bus driver
6. Let's flip back to hockey for a sec, since we're talking about dudes hitting things. Dennis Wideman, who laces up his skates for this team, won't be lacing them up for a while, we reckon, after he rather blatantly cross-checked an official:
7. Pivoting to college sports, the long strange trip of Maty Mauk, troubled quarterback for this SEC team, has been dismissed by the school:
Ole Miss
Texas A&M
8. We'll offer the same four answer possibilities to the question of which team, also in the SEC, has been charged with 30 violations in three sports, including football:
Ole Miss
Texas A&M
9. On the hardcourt, this team saw its 49 game home winning streak go kablooey on Thursday night when it was beaten by a conference rival:
Wichita State
10. And Kentucky/Kansas gave viewers a gem on Saturday night, resulting in:
A Kentucky win at home
A Kentucky win on the road
A Kansas win at home
A Kansas win on the road

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