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How Well Do You Know: 1/22/16-1/28/16
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1. Despite a monster of a snowstorm hitting NYC, SNL went on as scheduled Saturday night. This sports star guest hosted:
Tony Romo
Michael Jordan
Alex Rodriguez
Ronda Rousey
2. As the X-Files made its way back to TV screens, this hard-to-believe rumor about the series stars circulated:
Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny shot all their scenes separate
Anderson was paid only half of what Duchovny go
Anderson and Duchovny have been secretly married for a year
Duchovny had a restraining order placed on Anderson after filming
3. More rappers in the news! Hip hopper Diddy joined the likes of Mark Wahlberg and Pearl Jam to make a contribution to what newsworthy cause?
East coast storm relief
The Flint, Michigan water crisis
Syrian refugees
Victims of the Zika virus
4. And with a third question in a row, we've filled nearly half our yearly quote of rap questions. This music star's status of pop culture big shot was confirmed this week when s/he received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame:
Queen Latifah
Dr. Dre
LL Cool J
5. Prior to this week, you had probably forgotten everything you ever knew about rapper B.o.B. This week, though, you learned he is apparently a bit of a nutjob who:
Believes the moon landing was faked
Thinks the earth is flat
Thinks dinosaurs never existed
President John F. Kennedy was never assassinated
6. The subject of many death hoaxes over the years, longtime actor Abe Vigoda finally shuffled off this week. Best known on the television for his work in Barney Miller, Vigoda's biggest film role came in this 1970s classic:
The Sting
The Godfather
Close Encounters
7. On the topic of movies from decades ago, the prospect of a sequel to this 80s blockbuster sprang to life, when the star and producer of the original were photographed together over the weekend:
Top Gun
The Princess Bride
The Breakfast Club
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
8. And speaking of people believing weird stuff, nationally syndicated advice columnist Amy Dickinson was fooled by a jokester who recycled an episode, featuring baseball player Keith Hernandez, from this famous sitcom:
The Jeffersons
9. If a video of you challenging smart guy Stephen Hawking to a game of quantum chess just went viral, you have a lot in common with this superhero actor:
The one that played Batman
The one that played Iron Man
The one that played Spider-Man
The one that played Ant Man
10. And finally, elsewhere in videoland, some one achieved hilarity by crossing the horror classic The Shining with this kind of animal:
A chicken
A cow
A koala
A kangaroo

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