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How Well Do You Know: 8/29/08-9/4/08
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1. Everyone has skeletons in their closet. This Academy Award winning actress revealed that she loved cocaine and also that she was date raped in her younger years.
Judi Dench
Helen Mirren
Meryl Streep
Emma Thompson
2. Which of the following people will not have the honor of appearing on the season premiere of Oprah?
Kobe Bryant
Nastia Liukin
Rafael Nadal
Michael Phelps
3. In a Moviefone poll, who was voted greatest movie villain of the summer?
Agent 23
The Joker
Obadiah Stane
Tai Lung
4. British songstress Lily Allen got into a spat at the GQ Awards. The person who she confronted told her, "I could still snort you under the table." This person is a much more famous musician than Lily could ever hope to be. Who was it?
David Bowie
Elton John
Keith Richards
5. This Friends cast member will return to NBC this fall, playing a "free-spirited stalker".
Jennifer Aniston
Courteney Cox
Lisa Kudrow
David Schwimmer
6. What's the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull?
Body odor
Real fur versus fake fur
Relationship with Michael Vick
7. Don LaFontaine passed away this week. What was he best known for?
The creator of Daffy Duck
Most famous movie trailer voice guy
The porn producer who discovered Jenna Jameson
The score for The Godfather
8. Jerry Reed, who was first known as an awesome guitar picker, died this week. What movie series was he most famous for?
The Cannonball Run
Police Academy
Smokey and the Bandit
9. Who heads up the list of Forbes Magazine's top earning women of Prime Time TV?
Paula Abdul
Tyra Banks
Lauren Conrad
Katherine Heigl
10. Jude Law has added a second career (other than nanny snogging). What is his new endeavor?
Bassist in a rock band
Children's author
Promoter of world peace in Afghanistan
Spokesman for AIDS research
11. Daniel Radcliffe has expressed an interest in portraying...
A drag queen
Michael Phelps
Kareem Abdul Jabbar
12. The Dark Knight became the most successful movie of the 2000s in terms of tickets sold. What film did it beat?
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Shrek 2
13. The lovely lady below married someone far less pretty than she is. Who is he?

James Belushi
Drew Carey
James Gandolfini
David Spade
14. It was revealed this week that this former star of That 70's Show had a former girlfriend who was murdered by a serial killer.
Tommy Chong
Topher Grace
Ashton Kutcher
Wilmer Valderrama
15. Barack Obama's Democratic Convention speech was watched by a lot of people last week. In fact, it got higher ratings than all of the following except...
The 2008 Academy Awards
The American Idol finale
M*A*S*H series finale
The Olympic opening ceremonies in Beijing
16. Pamela Anderson has lousy taste in men, but this is creepy even for her. Who may or may not be putting his thingamajig in her hoo-ha?
David Blaine
That little hobbit from Lost, Dominic Monaghan
Michael Jackson
17. Brett Ratner has a lot of bad ideas for movies, but we think he's topped himself for sheer stupidity with this one.
Guitar Hero: The Movie
Techmo Bowl: The Movie
Wii Sports: The Movie
Zork: The Movie
18. The halcyon days of the '90s are officially gone. This pop band from that era broke up in order to free its lead singer to focus on a country music career.
Counting Crows
Color Me Badd
Hootie and the Blowfish
19. This popular newspaper comic ended its run over the weekend.
Baby Blues
For Better or for Worse
Funky Winkerbean
20. Someone took heed of Robert Palmer's words and realized they were addicted to love - or at least the physical expression of it. You know the story. Who's been singing "Aw, me so horny!" altogether too often?
David Duchovny
Carmen Electra
Charlie Sheen
Vanessa Williams

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