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How Well Do You Know: 1/1/16-1/7/16
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1. 2016 came in riding a wave of pop culture news. On New Years Eve, we said RIP to TV veteran Wayne Rogers, who played this character on the sitcom classic MASH:
Colonel Potter
Trapper John
2. Dude, nothing's sacred anymore. For the first time in three decades, this network passed on airing a New Year's Eve special:
3. At the intersection of holiday and parental trickery was this video outlet, which streaked a fake New Year's countdown to trick children into an early bedtime:
4. And this hair band let loose for one last time, playing (supposedly) their final concert ever in Las Vegas on New Year's Eve:
Motley Crue
Bon Jovi
Def Leppard
Guns n Roses
5. If your co-star Skylar Astin and Anna Camp became engaged in the early days for the new year, then you appeared with them in this recent hit film:
The Avengers: Age of Ultron
Pitch Perfect
21 Jump Street
6. The Avengers was indeed not the answer to the previous question, but it does figure prominently in this one: The director who helmed the two blockbuster superhero Marvel films has officially removed himself from any involvement with future films. Name the director of The Avengers:
J.J. Abrams
Joss Whedon
Colin Trevorrow
Brad Bird
7. We've got good Star Wars news...

It's official: "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" achieved another seemingly impossible box office feat this week. Which one?
Passing Avatar's domestic record of $760 million
Largest opening in China at $150 million
New international box office gross of $2.1 billion
Global box office (domestic + international) of $2.8 billion
By way of explanation.....
Episode VII has opened yet in China and is a very long way off of touching either the international or global records but domestic is now owned by Ep. VII.
8. We've got bad Star Wars news...

The Star Wars Monopoly is being criticized for excluding which character from the game?
By way of explanation.....
The reason for the exclusion was because the game was released months before the movie and they didn't want to tip their hand about the significant role Rey had.
9. Attention, citizenry, attention! Michael Weatherly announced his intention to leave his TV show. This comes as unwelcome news to the many, many, many fans of:
The Big Bang Theory
Game of Thrones
Grey's Anatomy
10. If the fact that Angry Birds is being made into a movie isn't awesome enough, add to it this week's news that this judge of The Voice will be lending his/her voice to the blockbuster-in-waiting:
Cee-Lo Green
Adam Levine
Blake Shelton
11. There we were, enjoying a seemingly family friendly People's Choice Awards, when presenter Leslie Man appeared to [accidentally] unzip the back of this winner's dress:
Mockingjay's Jennifer Lawrence
Spotlight's Rachel McAdams
50 Shades of Grey's Dakota Johnson
Jurassic World's Bryce Dallas Howard
12. And Thursday evening brought the premiere of the last iteration of American Idol as the show's ________ season began:

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