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How Well Do You Know: 12/25/15-12/31/15
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1. Steve Harvey wasted no time poking fun at him self over the Miss Universe disaster. On Christmas Day, he posted the following to Facebook, declaring __________ y'all:
Merry New Years
Merry Easter
Merry Halloween
Merry 4th of July
2. In news straight out of 1993, we learned of the marriage of MTV's Daisy Fuentes to this music star of the century past:
Rick Astley
Simon LeBon
Lionel Richie
Richard Marx
3. The world of very LOUD music lost an iconic frontman this week when Lemmy Kilmister died at age 70. Name Lemmy's band.
Judas Priest
Iron Maiden
Lone Rangers
4. You may not recognize the name Siri Pinter, but you can bet that this media host does, as the two married this week:
Howard Stern
Ryan Seacrest
Carson Daly
Rick Dees
5. Pop Culture Year End Awards, Part 1: The fine folks at USA Today put their heads together and named Taraji P. Henson, who you'll find starring on this prime time network show, as its Entertainer of the Year:
How to Get Away with Murder
The Walking Dead
6. Pop Culture Year End Awards, Part 2: Google who Google named as its most Googled celeb, and Google will tell you it's this controversy-laden figure:
Lamar Odom
Tracy Morgan
Caitlyn Jenner
Miley Cyrus
7. Actor Mark Salling is the latest famous(?)-ish person to be arrested on charges of child pornography possession. You may remember Salling from what high school set TV series?
Scream Queens
Pretty Little Liars
8. An continuing with the crime blotter: With all the accusations that have been bandied about for the last year, it's surprising that ______ is just now being arraigned for the first time on sexual assault charges.
Charlie Sheen
Bill Cosby
Vanilla Ice
Kanye West
9. Pete, Nick and Charlotte, among others, would be delighted that the Library of Congress has decided to add this 1980s classic to its National Film Registry:
The Karate Kid
Teen Wolf
Top Gun
Pretty in Pink
10. Reunited and feels so good: Coming to the squared circle of WrestleMania 2016 is this no-longer-regular-to-the-WWE figure
CM Punk
Mick Foley
The Rock
11. Reunited and feels so good (maybe...but probably not): The original lineup of this band has announced they will appear at 2016's Coachella music fest.
Guns 'n Roses
12. And trouble of varying degrees is never far from Russell Crowe, who sounded off on Virgin Australia's ban preventing these items from being brought on board:

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