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How Well Do You Know: 10/23/15-10/29/15
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1. Once again, Adele-zilla was unleashed without remorse on the music world. What is the one-word title of her new single that was released during the week?
2. And singing of famous songbirds, this music notable appeared on The Voice this week as a guest judge:
Selena Gomez
Kelly Clarkson
Miley Cyrus
3. Also bringing his/her expertise to a talent show is this American Idol figure who will fill the seat vacated by Howard Stern on America's Got Talent:
Ryan Seacrest
Ellen DeGeneres
Paula Abdul
Simon Cowell
4. If you have written a play that continues the story of Harry Potter, well, then, you either a)are JK Rowling, or b)have at least one thing in common with JK. If the former, then your play will be called Harry Potter and:
The Lost Unicorn
The Scar's Secret
The Cursed Child
The Forgotten Dragon
This unconventional wedding venue saw this unconventional singer tying the knot this weekend:
Jason Mraz
Bruno Mars
Robbie Williams
Ryan Adams
6. If you've been thinking lately that it sure would be nice if the host for next year's Golden Globes was announced already, you're in luck. The famous face(s) picked to host the awards show will be:
Hugh Jackman
Ricky Gervais
Tina Fey & Amy Poehler
Seth Rogen
7. "She looked pretty hot. I don't know which channel it's on, but I'm looking forward to that." US presidential candidate Jeb Bush gave weeeeeirrrrd endorsement to CBS's Supergirl which debuted this week. Name the actress who stars as the title character and who caught Bush's eye:
Tatiana Maslany
Katharine McPhee
Melissa Benoist
Emma Roberts
8. If you are totally not like us, who were not fooled by this story for a second - nope, not fooled at all - then you may have fallen for the hoax story that this recently-concluded television series would be coming back for one more season:
Breaking Bad
Mad Men
Parks and Recreation
Sons of Anarchy
9. Retired New York Yankee legend Derek Jeter has dated each of the following very attractive women. To which did he reportedly become engaged this week?
Joy Enriquez
Hannah Davis
Adriana Lima
Minka Kelly
10. Even before the first episode of the first season has aired, the upcoming horror/comedy Ash vs. Evil Dead series has been picked up for a second season. You can thank this network, on which the show will air:

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