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How Well Do You Know: 9/18/15-9/24/15
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1. To spell series star Zooey Deschanel during her pregnancy break, New Girl will tap this actress, well known for her hilarious comedic stylings:
Lindsay Lohan
Tori Spelling
Mischa Barton
Megan Fox
2. Horror meets Heathers in the new Fox series Scream Queens. Hollywood heritage runs deep in the series, so identify the answer below that does NOT apply to one of the actresses.
Carrie Fisher's daughter
Kim Basinger's daughter
Julia Roberts' niece
Tippi Hedron's daughter
By way of explanation.....
Billie Lourd is Carrie's daughter, Emma Roberts is Julia's niece and Jamie Lee Curtis is Tippi's daughter. Sadly, Ireland Baldwin is not in the show.
3. The literary world became somewhat poorer this week with the passing of prolific author Jackie Collins, who made her mark writing in this genre:
Historical biographies
4. Viral Video of the Week, Part I: A cleverly edited YouTube clip features a mashup of 100 difference movie scenes showing characters apparently dancing to this popular song:
Uptown Funk
Shut Up and Dance
Shake It Off
That's What Makes You Beautiful
5. Viral Video of the Week, Part II: But that was nothing compared to how much fun we all had with a video of a New York City rat stealing away this type of food:
Hot dog
Ice cream cone
6. Emmy Award Roundup, part 1: The host of the annual TV lovefest happens to the be the star of what primetime show that airs on Fox?
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
New Girl
7. Emmy Award Roundup, part 2: Despite having the lowest ratings ever for the Emmys, ________ was the big winner of the evening and in Emmy history by winning 12 awards this year, more than any series ever.
Mad Men
House of Cards
Game of Thrones
Modern Family
8. Emmy Award Roundup, part 3: Finally after years of going home empty-handed, this actor can finally add "Emmy winner" to his name with the award for Actor in a Drama.
Kyle Chandler
Jeff Daniels
Jon Hamm
Kevin Spacey
9. After its record-setting haul at this year's Emmys, HBO broadcast a funny special about this man's exploits in playing for ten baseball teams in one day:
John Krasinski
Steve Carell
Chris Pratt
Will Ferrell
10. This big-name actor is suing film director for a whopping $10 million for suggesting he hits women:
George Clooney
Sean Penn
Pierce Brosnan
Robert Downey, Jr.
11. It's fitting that the summer series Big Brother crowned its winner on the first day of autumn. What is the name of the guy who won?
J. Mac
12. Attention, literary Ridley Scott fans: The title to the upcoming Prometheus sequel will share a subtitle with a literature classic. The film's title will be "Alien: ________".
Brave New World
Paradise Lost
Heart of Darkness
Great Expectations

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