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How Well Do You Know: 9/14/15-9/20/15
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1. The two-game barrage of the season's opening Monday Night Football included teams from each of the following, except:
NFC East
NFC South
AFC West
NFC West
2. Mercurial Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo went and broke his __________ in Sunday's game, leaving the organization in a bit of a pickle this season:
Shoulder blade
Index finger
3. The Super Bowl dreams of three of the following seem dim and remote after the NFL's week 2, as each is unexpectedly 0-2. Which is the only to have won a game?
New Orleans
San Diego
4. Meanwhile, in BaseballLand, this team became the first to clinch a postseason berth this week:
5. These two teams set an MLB record for most players used in one games, combining for about 104 different people on the field during the contest:
Orioles and Rays
As and Astros
Royals and White Sox
Rockies and Dodgers
6. And the lead in this division changed hands during the week:
NL East
AL West
AL Central
AL East
7. This well-known and generally well-liked hockey player again flashed his humanitarian side, donating a whopping $10 million to a children's hospital:
Jonathan Towes
Carey Price
PK Subban
Sidney Crosby
8. Break out your countin' fingers. Now count up to 22: That's how many months this university's AD had been on the job before he got himself canned this week:
9. This top 10 ranked college football teams had no answers for its conference opponent, getting beaten at home on Saturday:
Michigan State
10. This college team made big big news this week as they wore nontraditional powder blue helmets and scored a touchdown on a freakish tip ball pass play in knocking off its major opponent:
Notre Dame
Boston College
Penn State
Ole Miss

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