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How Well Do You Know: 8/28/15-9/3/15
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1. RIP (hoax, fortunately): This famous person associated with the original Star Wars films, had to work to debunk news reports of his/her passing this week:
James Earl Jones
Harrison Ford
Mark Hamill
Carrie Fisher
2. RIP (all to real, unfortunately): The pop culture world bade a fond but all-too-early farewell to horror guru Wes Craven. Please identify the film below that did not come from the mind of Mr. Craven:
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Friday the 13th
The People Under the Stairs
3. VMA Recap, Part I: If you put money on this artist angrily calling host Miley Cyrus a "b!+ch" during the broadcast, then you hit the jackpot.
Taylor Swift
Nicki Minaj
4. VMA Recap, Part II: If you're bored with your Trumps, your Bushes and your Clintons, then consider voting for this music titan, who announced while accepting the Video Vanguard Award that s/he will be running for President of the USA:
Jay Z
Kanye West
Lady Gaga
5. VMA Recap, Part III: Which singer got all weepy and emotional right in the middle of the stage following his performance?
Nick Jonas
Justin Timberlake
Justin Bieber
6. We're Not Your Friends, declared 99.999999% of the moviegoing public, who stayed away in droves from the opening of We Are Your Friends. The box office bomb, reported to have the third worst opening of all time, stars this person:
Robert Pattinson
Zac Efron
Drew Barrymore
Owen Wilson
7. "Take off, you hoser." SLW just assumes that what this Canadian singer said to her husband and fellow singer (?) Chad Kroeger now that they are splitting after two years of marriage.
Avril Lavigne
Shania Twain
Sara Evans
Celine Dion
8. Tackling the serious topic of head injuries in the NFL is a new film for this fall starring multiple Oscar nominee _______.
Bradley Cooper
Matt Damon
Will Smith
Jamie Foxx
9. Well, here's a hot superhero movie opinion from an Oscar-winning actress, who used to be a fan of comic films but not-so-much anymore:"If I see yet another Spider-Man, I'm going to have to actually hang myself."
Kate Winslet
Emma Thompson
Hilary Swank
Cate Blanchett
10. Which of these GOP candidates is offering up a VIP ticket raffle to the premiere of Late Show with Stephen Colbert when you make a campaign contribution, which Colbert has taken issue with and offered his own ticket drawing with money going to a veterans' charity?
Donald Trump
Jeb Bush
Ted Cruz
Chris Christie

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