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How Well Do You Know: 8/17/15-8/23/15
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1. As college kids are getting ready back to school, the labor prospects for college athletes were dealt a blow when the NRLB refused to back the efforts of players from this school to unionize:
Penn State
2. And this football factory was the unanimous pick for the top spot in the AP Preseason poll:
Ohio State
3. And...oopsies! This major college football team's coach had to apologize after being caught on video getting drunk and using profane and insulting language at a team event:
Michigan State
4. In News from the League, this not-quite-elite signalcaller thinks, according to contract negotiations, thinks he should be the top-paid quarterback in the NFL:
Robert Griffin III
Eli Manning
Joe Flacco
Tim Tebow
5. Of the four previously mentioned QBs, this one was concussioned out of his preseason game this week:
Robert Griffin III
Eli Manning
Joe Flacco
Tim Tebow
6. Wanna talk receivers? Why not? This premiere passcatcher got a knuckled sandwich in the face when teams brawled during a scrimmage:
Brandon Marshall
Dez Bryant
Demaryius Thomas
Jordy Nelson
7. News was much worse for this prized WR, who tore his ACL in a preseason game Sunday:
Brandon Marshall
Dez Bryant
Demaryius Thomas
Jordy Nelson
8. And another visit from the ACL Fairy means that this quarterback won't have his promising second-year receiver to throw to this year:
Andy Dalton
Andrew Luck
Cam Newton
Ryan Tannehill
9. If you are this team, well then, you were no-hit by the Houston Astros during the weekend:
10. And in closing, cheers to this athlete, who granted with #500 for the Make-a-Wish Foundation during the week:
LeBron James
Dale Earnhardt, Jr
John Cena
Floyd Mayweather

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