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How Well Do You Know: 8/7/15-8/13/15
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Both Bill Murray AND Dan Aykroyd are showing up in the new Ghostbusters film.
theBigE 8/14/15 9:29 am


1. The kids are right to point and laugh at the new Fantastic Four movie, the critically demolished and poorly performing update of the Marvel comic franchise. Whereas Jessica Alba played Sue Storm in the original, this woman was saddled with the role in the 2015 version:
Cobie Smulders
Kate Mara
Jessica Lowndes
Kate Bosworth
2. Meanwhile, premiering not-that-far behind Fantastic Four at the box office was the feature film debut of Shaun the Sheep, a beloved creation of this animated studio:
Studio Ghibli
3. Oscars, Anyone? Part I: This one-time Best Actor nominee was at the tippy-top of the Highest Paid Actors list for the third straight year:
Johnny Depp
Robert Downey, Jr.
Matthew McConaughey
Brad Pitt
4. Oscars, Anyone? Part II: Meanwhile, the upcoming edition of American Horror Story will feature series mainstay Lily Rabe as serial killer Aileen Wuornos, the portrayal of whom brought an Oscar to:
Charlize Theron
Cate Blanchett
Julia Roberts
Julianne Moore
5. If you are like Jackass star Steve-O, you were arrested Sunday night after staging a protest on a 10-story crane. If you are like Jackass star Steve-O, what entertainment entity were you protesting?
Universal Studios
6. Our classic lit-loving minds were blown away at the news that this rather well-known writer might possibly have smoked pot during his career:
7. Spike TV aired a documentary about this gone-too-soon SNL veteran:
Chris Farley
Jim Belushi
Phil Hartman
Andy Kaufman
8. A few weeks ago, we said Happy 75th Birthday to Bugs Bunny. On August 10, this cartoon icon celebrated his birthday, though no one is sure exactly how old he is:
9. Who you gonna call? If it's the cast member of the original Ghostbusters who will reportedly make an appearance in next year's reboot of the classic, then you'll be in contact with:
Bill Murray
Ernie Hudson
Rick Moranis
Sigourney Weaver
10. Hitting the wrong chord/cord this week was ______ who touched base with fans via Instagram that she was canceling her tour for surgery to her vocal cords.
Meghan Trainor
Taylor Swift
Echosmith's Sydney Sierota

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