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How Well Do You Know: 7/31/15-8/6/15
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1. Welcome to Splitsville, Part 1: This set of married musical artists have reportedly called it quits after three kids and 13 years of marriage. Identify them by their band's names.
Bush, No Doubt
Muse, Evanescence
Dixie Chicks, Lady Antebellum
Pussycat Dolls, Backstreet Boys
2. Welcome to Splitsville, Part 2: This fictional couple used social media to announce their breakup with the following statement: "After careful thought, thoughtful consideration and considerable squabbling, we have made the difficult decision to terminate our romantic relationship."
Mickey and Minnie Mouse
Kermit and Miss Piggy
Peter and Lois Griffin
Han Solo and Leia
3. Not-so-Welcome to Splitsville: Despite a week's full of divorce rumors swirling around this couple, the husband issued a direct statement that IF they split, you will hear it directly from him. Who is this foot-putting-down fellow?
Denzel Washington
John Travolta
Will Smith
Ted Danson
4. The relationship pendulum swung in the opposite direction this week for ______ who married her longtime boyfriend in a secret ceremony in front of a handful of friends.
Nina Dobrev
Anne Hathaway
Jennifer Aniston
Britney Spears
5. If you've been clamoring for an animated film about this candy staple, then you are in luck this week as such a film has been announced.
Laffy Taffy
Pop Rocks
6. This TV series self-fulfilling prophecy of six seasons is official as the show's star confirmed that the most recently aired season six was the last. Which show?

(We'll have to see if the movie materializes.)
Cougar Town
Modern Family
7. We all got to say "hello" to _______'s little friend when he split his tight leather pants...on a full crouching front of thousands of people and smartphones.
Lenny Kravitz
Adam Levine
Steven Tyler
Mick Jagger
8. Rock singer Ryan Adams' next project is unique in that he is a doing a track-by-track cover of ______'s album ____, which is about as pop as pop can get.
N*Sync / No Strings Attached
Katy Perry / Teenage Dream
Pink / Funhouse
Taylor Swift / 1989
9. Jon Stewart wrapped up 16 years of Daily Show hosting duties this week. After having Louis CK as his final guest and many of his former 'correspondents' on stage but before that final moment of zen, ________ closed the show with a performance of "Land of Hopes and Dreams."
Bruce Springsteen
Dave Grohl
Kendrick Lamar
Paul Simon
10. As Jon Stewart's reign as fake news king ends (that felt more real than most 'real' news), can you identify which of these recognizable names is NOT an alum of The Daily Show?
Ed Helms
Zach Galifianakis
Stephen Colbert
Steve Carell

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