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How Well Do You Know: 7/10/15-7/16/15
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1. RIP Omar Sharif. Passing away this week, the screen legend had played the title role in which of these old-timey movies?
Lawrence of Arabia
Dr. Zhivago
Citizen Kane
2. While it should surprise no one that Ben Affleck will likely direct an eventual Batman solo film, other rumors place the director of huge 2015 hit _____ as the frontrunner for Star Wars, Episode 9.
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Inside Out
Fast and Furious 7
Jurassic World
3. You can keep your ComicCon. Literary fanboys and girls got their wish this week with the publishing of "Go Set a Watchman," a sequel to this 55 year old classic novel.
Catcher in the Rye
To Kill a Mockingbird
On the Road
4. Confusion. Excitement. Bewilderment. Ennui. These are just some of the things we all felt this week at the news that this rap star might somehow be broke:
Kanye West
50 Cent
Snoop Dogg
5. Hey, are you Olivia Jordan? If you are, then you successfully represented this state in winning the Miss USA pageant this week:
6. One flag, two rock stars, two very different opinions. The same week that Kid Rock told those who protest his use of the Confederate flag to "Kiss my ass," this classic rocker bemoaned his own use of the flag during his Southern Accents tour decades earlier as "downright stupid":
Tom Petty
Gregg Allman
Bob Dylan
Dusty Hill
7. It seemed too good to be true, and it was: A rumor that this action maven would return to his signature role in a film to battle the forces of ISIS proved, to the disappointment of jingoistic movie fans, to be just a hoax:
Chuck Norris
Bruce Willis
Sylvester Stallone
Arnold Schwarzenegger
8. Fans of throwback comic strips were thrilled (we assume) this week with the return of Bloom County. Quick, name the artist who draws Bloom County:
Berkeley Breathed
Sam Waterston
Jeff Millar
Stephan Pastis
9. If you are a big-shot director who was announced as a recipient of the Kennedy Center Honors this week, please step forward. Yes, we're talking to you Mr.:
Steven Spielberg
George Lucas
Martin Scorsese
M. Night Shyamalan
10. The team behind American Hustle and Silver Linings Playbook - Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper and David O. Russell - are at it again with a film slated for a Christmas release. The film, whose trailer dropped this week, shares its name with which character from Inside Out?
11. What is this c*** doing on the cover of Rolling Stone?....Music has officially died!This music star had quite a hissy-fit over Rolling Stone's decision to put Kim Kardashian on its cover:
Sinead O'Connor
Courtney Love
12. Let's give _____ a hand. (rimshot). The talk show host returned to TV after a two-week absence revealing that he was hospitalized and almost had to have his ring finger amputated.
Jimmy Kimmel
Jon Stewart
Jimmy Fallon
Conan O'Brien
13. Break out your countin' fingers, and count up to 24. That's the number of Emmy nominations this show received, the most of any televised program:
Better Call Saul
Orange is the New Black
Game of Thrones
Mad Men
14. Hopefully you haven't put away your countin' fingers from earlier, because you might need them to tell us the number of Best Drama Series nominees that air on one of the major broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox):
By way of explanation.....
That's right, NONE of the Drama Series nominees came from one of the Big Four. Nominees represented PBS, HBO, AMC, Showtime and Netflix
15. And this lady's week was none too shabby. Not only her comedy series nominated for Emmy, she also landed a splashy cover spread on GQ:
Amy Poehler
Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Lena Dunham
Amy Schumer

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