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How Well Do You Know: 7/3/15-7/9/15
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1. First Daughter Malia Obama is growing up fast. Not only did she land an internship, she'll be working on this decidedly "adult" show:
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
The Walking Dead
2. In a recent interview, Wolverine's wife admitted that she's OK with a lot of pretty co-stars to share the screen with her hubs - but Mrs. Hugh Jackman has told his agent that he is not allowed to be a onscreen love interest with this lady:
Angelina Jolie
Jennifer Aniston
Michelle Pfeiffer
Sofia Vergara
3. Wait? They weren't already married. Well...ok, then...these one-time co-stars from ______ and new parents officially got hitched this week.
That 70's Show
The Vampire Diaries
Sleepy Hollow
By way of explanation.....
Yup, it was Kutcher and Kunis that tied the knot this week.
4. Old beginnings, part 1: This Independence Day actor welcomed a new baby into his life - fittingly enough, on July 4th.
Will Smith
Bill Paxton. I mean Pullman. Whichever
Randy Quaid
Jeff Goldblum
5. Old beginnings, part 2: "Here comes the 4th bride" for ______. This singer married a woman literally half his age (she's 33 and he is 66) on the Fourth of July.
Billy Joel
Paul Simon
Bruce Springsteen
Rod Stewart
6. Please, Kyle Reese, save us from future awkwardly spelled subtitles of Terminator films. Which is the actual way the latest installment was spelled?
7. After all the fireworks smoke cleared and money was counted, who won the three-day Fourth of July weekend at the box office?
three-time weekend winner Jurassic World
perennial bridesmaid Inside Out
the AARP-flavored Terminator: Genisys
the beefcakey Magic Mike XXL
8. With Amazon and Netflix both passing on picking up the tab for broadcasting this show, fans of the recently-cancelled-by-network-TV _____ are running out of places the show might land.
9. Turn that frown upside down: Which of these recent SLW-featured professional partings has been undone or resolved and all goes back to normal?
Harry Shearer WILL return to The Simpsons
Trump is un-fired from NBC
'Maria' has decided to un-retire from Sesame Street
Phineas & Ferb is actually be returning for one more season on Disney XD
10. Thanks to admissions in a 2005 lawsuit that he DID buy and use drugs to sleep with women, the Bill Cosby fall from grace continues, including this week's removal of what?
his handprints from in front of Mann's Chinese Theater
his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
his statue located in Walt Disney World's Hollywood Studios
his honorary doctorate from Howard University
11. If you were caught on video this week licking a tray of doughnuts in a store, saying "I hate Americans" and then deflecting your words as an indictment on obesity, and finally dropping out of headlining MLB's All-Star game concert, then you had a busy week, just like ______.
Demi Lovato
Adam Levine
Ariana Grande
12. It's official: Oscar winner Marisa Tomei will be playing what iconic comic book figure in an upcoming movie?
Batman's Catwoman
Spider-Man's Aunt May
Captain Marvel

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