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How Well Do You Know: 5/22/15-5/28/15
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Tracy Moran???
theBigE 5/29/15 6:03 pm


1. A car accident took the life of John Nash, the subject of this Oscar-winning biopic:
Apollo 13
My Left Foot
A Beautiful Mind
The Hurricane
2. In a crackerjack combination of humor and media savvy, this star of an summer blockbuster issued a "preapology" for anything he might say and later regret at upcoming media events:
Terminator Genisys's Arnold Schwarzenegger
Pixel's Adam Sandler
Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation's Tom Cruise
Jurassic World's Chris Pratt
3. Influential ladies had their day in the sun this week, as Forbes published its list of the world's 100 Most Powerful Women. The highest ranked woman who is primarily an entertainer, coming in at #21 on the list, is:
Ellen DeGeneres
Sofia Vergara
Taylor Swift
4. If you are looking at two crossed pencils and looking for trouble from the spirit world, then you are likely partaking in this internet game/urban legend that's supposedly all the rage with kids this week:
Elena Elena
Charlie Charlie
Maria Maria
Robert Robert
By way of explanation.....
Read all about it
5. This band, which has been mildly snakebit during its recent tour, suffered a much more dramatic loss with the dead of its longtime manager Dennis Sheehan while the group was in Los Angeles this week:
The Rolling Stones
Maroon 5
Fall Out Boy
6. Good news, podcast lovers! NPR has announced it has renewed its highly-acclaim, wildly addictive crime podcast for an additional two season. Now, if only we could remember what it's called. Oh yeah, it's:
The Jinx
What Happened Next
7. If you are a giant corporation that this week reached a settlement with actor Tracy Morgan, seriously injured in an accident with one of your drivers, that means you are:
8. This actor continues to be dogged by the fallout of his bringing his pooches illegally into Australia while he shoots there, and might be facing a whopping 10-year sentence:
Keanu Reeves
Ed Norton
Johnny Depp
Chris Pine

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