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How Well Do You Know: 5/1/15-5/7/15
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1. If you were among the estimated 25 million moviegoers that watched Avengers: Age of Ultron, then you contributed to its $191 million debut. This makes it the ____ weekend opener of all-time.
second highest
third highest
fourth highest
By way of explanation.....
The first Avengers still holds the number one spot.
2. Speaking of The Avengers, which of these folks has quit Twitter this week with the following message being his last tweet:"Thank you to all the people who've been so kind and funny and inspiring up in here."
Robert Downey Jr
Chris Evans
Joss Whedon
Samuel L. Jackson
3. It seems that the Mayweather/Pacquiao fight impacted the potential box office for Ultron more than expected. Or maybe it was the presence of this late night host as a part of Manny's entourage that drew folks' attention. (Probably not.)
4. Speaking of the celebrity side of the boxing match, along with Beyonce, Jay-Z and the Burger King mascot, this singer was in attendance. Sadly his rendition of the national anthem accompanied by an organ was less than stellar.
John Legend
Bruno Mars
Jamie Foxx
Lionel Richie
5. Happy 27th Birthday to ______. This singer decided to give fans a present with this homage to George Michael on her birthday this week via Twitter.
Taylor Swift
Elle Goulding
6. Congrats to supermodel ______ and tennis hubby Andy Roddick on the announcement they are expected their first baby.
Candice Swanpoel
Brooklyn Decker
Adrianna Lima
Miranda Kerr
7. Since we are on the topic of babies, the world welcomed a new princess to the UK's William and Kate. Clearly, the royals are big fans of Sex and the City because they named their baby girl _____.
8. At the age of 101, a lady named Ellen Albertini passed away this week. She is most remembered for her role as "The Rapping Granny" in what 90s wedding comedy?
My Best Friend's Wedding
Runaway Bride
In & Out
The Wedding Singer
9. Thanks for nothing, Fox. Which of these shows has officially been axed but Hulu is supposedly waiting in the wings to scoop it up?
The Mindy Project
Brooklyn 99
Sleepy Hollow
10. Music legend Ben E. King died this week at the age of 72. In his extensive catalog was a song that was used as a memorable movie's title. Which film?
Stand By Me
Beyond the Sea
One Fine Day
Can't Buy Me Love
11. In other sad music news, reports are that this blues legend has been moved to hospice care at the age of 88.
Buddy Guy
Muddy Waters
BB King
T Bone Burnett
12. Let's end on a lighter note: Late Late Show host James Corden has struck a comedy paydirt by having his guests reenact their filmography on the show in a segment called 'Role Call.' As previously done with Tom Hanks, this week had which iconic action star (with a new movie this summer) do the same?
Van Damme
By way of explanation.....

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