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How Well Do You Know: 4/13/15-4/19/15
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1. The NBA season wound down in spectacular fashion for this man, who scored 42 points overall and 23 straight points for his team on Monday night:
Blake Griffin
Klay Thompson
James Harden
JR Reid
2. Step forward if you are a team that made the NBA playoffs this year. Not so fast there...
New Orleans
Oklahoma City
3. Which of the following playoff teams did not win the opening game of their series?
San Antonio
4. And this showoff put up 30 points to help his team win their opening round game:
Anthony Davis
John Wall
Kyle Korver
Kyrie Irving
5. Meanwhile, each of the following are correct pairings for the first round of the NHL playoffs.....except, of course, for:
6. If you're like us, we're staying far, far, far away from Lawrence Phillips, former college football standout for this team, who did not let his incarceration stop him from apparently killing his cellmate:
Texas A&M
7. In more impressive college football news, this team had 99K spectators watching its spring *scrimmage* this week:
Florida State
Ohio State
8. ESPN sent Britt McHenry to her room to think about what she's done after her videotaped altercation with an employee at a:
Post office
DMV office
Grocery store
Towing company
9. Many, many, many individuals were admonished or ejected after a particularly contentious weekend series between these teams:
Oakland/Kansas City
Colorado/Los Angeles
10. Pick the first team from each league that reached the 10 win mark in the season, and you'll end up with:
Royals and Rockies
Angels and Dodgers
Tigers and Mets
Red Sox and Braves

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