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How Well Do You Know: 4/10/15-4/16/15
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1. "Half of you don’t know who I am and half of you think I’m Meghan Trainor" joked the host of this week's MTV Movie Awards. So, who hosted this week's MTV Movie Awards?
Pam Stone
Amy Schumer
I don't know
Meghan Trainor
2. Netflix's run of strong original programming continues, as just about everyone who has seen it has universal praise for the media company's update of this superhero:
The Thing
The Flash
3. A little baby was born with a decidedly old-school name, as this singer named his newborn Silas after his grandfather:
Blake Shelton
Justin Timberlake
Adam Levine
4. "I feel beautiful," this singer said in a classy response to morons who mocked her weight - or appearance thereof - at an awards dinner this week:
Demi Lovato
Mariah Carey
Carly Rae Jepsen
5. In a gesture that was probably meant as well meaning but ended up as awkward as you might have expected, this celeb took part in a "food stamp challenge," attempting to demonstrate how little food could be purchased on $29 a week:
Rachel Ray
Gwyneth Paltrow
Jessica Chastain
6. Ahhh, crud. Percy Sledge, the golden-voiced soul singer who popularized this song, died this week at 74:
Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay
Ain't no Sunshine
When a Man Loves a Woman
Let's Get It On
7. If, during the week, you were the subject of a widely-circulated cellphone video in which you rant about just doing your job here - only to have the video revealed to be a prank - then you have a lot in common with:
Jesse Eisenberg
Alec Baldwin
Dennis Quaid
Harrison Ford
8. It's rare-ish that a model decides on her own when she will quit the biz, so there was much to do over this supermodel's voluntarily farewell to public modeling this week after a 20 year career:
Naomi Campbell
Tyra Banks
Heidi Klum
Gisele Bundchen
9. It's not often that the internet's attention is captured over a logic question, but this week lots and lots and lots of people got caught up in determining Cheryl's:
Shoe size
Favorite color
10. And finally, if there's one person you should feel sorry for, it's this singer, who, after performing with Madonna on stage at Coachella, received an unexpected, sloppy and - judging by his priceless reaction - rather unwanted kiss from Madge:
Sam Smith
Sean Paul
Chris Brown

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