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How Well Do You Know: 3/13/15-3/19/15
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1. Doing good business at the box office over the weekend was a Disney update of this classic animated movie.....

2. ...and almost as big a deal as the feature itself was the brand spankin' new short film, based on this recent blockbuster, which proceeded it:

3. Now entering the Pop Culture Thunderdome are fashion designers Dolce and Gabanna, and this pop music superstar, who publicly shamed the duo over their opposition to in vitro fertilization:
George Michael
Elton John
4. Over in TV land, Fox closed out its surprise hit Empire Wednesday night. Which of the following facts is true about the show?
Its ratings grew steadily over the course of the show's run
It starred two Oscar winners
Its final episode was performed and broadcast live
It was originally canceled after its first episode aired, only to have Fox execs rethink their decision
5. Meanwhile, viewers could. not. believe. what. just. happened. as The Jinx, a documentary from this network about real estate heir/suspected murderer Robert Durst, delivered a shock during its final moments on Sunday:

6. If you're like us, you'll always remember exactly where you were this week when you learned that Katie Holmes possibly/probably/most definitely dating this well-known figure, with whom she was seen holding hands:
Taye Diggs
Chris Pratt
Chris Pine
Jamie Foxx
7. In the Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous file, we read that this entertainment guru auctioned off items from his/her Chicago residence:
Steven Spielberg
John Landis
Oprah Winfrey
Meryl Streep
8. And it was First Lady Dance Fever as Michelle Obama visited the talk show hosted by this person, known to have a penchant for dancing, and boogied to "Uptown Funk" with the host:
Jimmy Kimmel
Ellen Degeneres
Jimmy Fallon
Queen Latifah
9. If you are an entertainment mainstay who did not check into rehab for substance abuse this week, please step forward. Whoa, not so fast there....
Stevie Nicks
Liza Minnelli
Carrie Fisher
Chevy Chase
10. And though the show won't air until the end of the month, verbal grenades and noogies were doled out at the Comedy Central roast of this notorious pop culture entity:
Justin Bieber
Kanye West
Kim Kardashian
Chris Brown

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