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How Well Do You Know: 2/13/15-2/19/15
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1. TV endings: At long, long, long last, this week saw the final episode ever of this show which has seemingly gone on forever:
South Park
Two and a Half Men
Law and Order: SVU
2. TV beginnings: Meanwhile, the Law of Conservation of Things Being on TV held in balance, as a spin-off of this classic sitcom launched:
I Love Lucy
Happy Days
The Addams Family
The Odd Couple
3. Social media, bad: I just want to have peace and relaxation time without a perve with long distance lense hiding out taking pictures, everyone deserves peace Branding it "ugliest reflection of man kind there is," which music star quit social media this week?
Ariana Grande
Iggy Azalea
Nicki Minaj
Kelly Clarkson
4. Social media, good: Meanwhile, entertaining Twitter accounts were made for several fictitious characters from this well-known franchise:
Sesame Street
The Simpsons
The Big Bang Theory
SpongeBob SquarePants
5. Saturday Night Live gave viewers a fascinating bit of pop culture as it drew together cast members from past and present to celebrate this anniversary:
6. One of the more interesting post-reunion revelations was how this former cast member refused to do a send-up of Bill Cosby during the show:
Chris Rock
Tim Meadows
Kenan Thompson
Eddie Murphy
7. Actor gone nutso: If you happened to flip out and assault a studio executive at Sundance, only to soon thereafter check yourself into rehab, you have a surprising amount in common with this C-lister:
Michael Cera
Jason Mewes
David Schwimmer
Emile Hirsch
8. Rock star gone nutso: Mind-controlling aliens and government coverups were among the topics of a somewhat coherent interview given by Tom Delonge, until recently the frontman for this rock act:
Blink 182
Fallout Boy
The Offspring
Puddle of Mudd
9. Reality show star gone nutso: This cable reality show star was busted for burglary near to where his/her program was being recorded:
Giada De Laurentiis from Everyday Italian
Vanilla Ice from The Vanilla Ice Project
One of the Property Brothers from Property Brothers
Nene Leakes from The Real Housewives of Atlanta
10. Our attempts to join the star-studded jam onstage were unfortunately thwarted, but that didn't prevent the dynamite tribute shindig celebrating this music legend from taking place this week:
Little Richard
Stevie Wonder
Smokey Robinson
Paul McCartney
11. Love on Valentine's Day, Part I: This music star, who you may have heard of, got herself engaged on Valentine's Day to her much, much, much, much less famous boyfriend Taylor Kinney:
Lady Gaga
Katy Perry
Selena Gomez
12. Love on Valentine's Day, Part II: Not to be outdone, this actor, who is up for an Oscar this weekend, got himself hitched to fiance Sophie Hunter on February 14:
Eddie Redmayne
Steve Carell
Benedict Cumberbatch
Bradley Cooper

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