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How Well Do You Know: 12/26/14-1/1/15
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1. The long implosion of this celebrity oddity continued during the holidays, as s/he was arrested for stabbing someone in a bar in Wisconsin:
Dustin Diamond
Andy Dick
Courtney Love
Amanda Bynes
2. The Law of Conversation of Celebrity Marriages was thrown way out of whack this week as. On the plus side, this television hottie announced her engagement:
Sofia Vergara
Zooey Deschanel
Natalie Zea
Elisha Cuthbert
3. But, at the same time, we learned that this comedian and his wife of 19 years are getting divorced:
Louis CK
Chris Rock
Jim Gaffigan
George Lopez
4. Meanwhile, this member of the Avengers cast saw his significant other of only 10 months file for divorce:
Jeremy Renner
Robert Downey, Jr.
Mark Ruffalo
Chris Hemsworth
5. And the avalanche of celebrity splits continued when we learned that this cooking show big-shot and his/her significant other are calling it quits:
Ted Allen
Alton Brown
Giada De Laurentiis
Nigella Lawson
6. Things are looking good for the future of Justin Lin, who will direct the next Star Trek film in JJ Abram's absence. You may or may not know Lin from his directing work on this series:
Lord of the Rings
Fast and the Furious
7. Things aren't looking quite so good for this TV star, who had to do some backpedaling after her published comments about feminism caused a minor stir:
Courteney Cox
Hayden Panettiere
Kaley Cuoco
Sarah Shahi
8. RIP Edward Hermann. This acting great was best known of late from his performance on Gilmore Girls, though he also portrayed Herman Munster in The Munsters, and was "father" in this horror movie:
The People Under the Stairs
The Lost Boys
Rosemary's Baby
The Crazies
9. Someone must having been playing with Mad Libs when they thought of the song It's Only One, featuring Kanye West and this classic rock star:
Paul McCartney
Elton John
Eric Clapton
Mick Jagger
10. And finally, as the new year begins, pop culture fans have started to examine the future predicted in this film, set in the year 2015
Terminator 2
Back to the Future, Part II
Blade Runner

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