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How Well Do You Know: 12/8/14-12/14/14
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1. Sports Illustrated's Sportsman of the Year is:
An NFL star
An MLB pitcher
An Olympian
A Little League star
2. Each of the following schools sent a player to New York City as a 2014 Heisman Trophy finalist, except for:
Florida State
3. And this guy walked away with the award:
Jameis Winston
Amari Cooper
Melvin Gordon
Marcus Mariota
4. Meanwhile, in college football still being played on the field, the premiere matchup of service academies resulted in:
Army beating Navy for the 10th straight year
Amy beating Navy for the 5th straight year
Navy beating Army for the 13th straight year
Navy beating Army for the 7th straight year
5. Jon Lester did some heavy cogitatin' and decided that next year, he will be pitching for the:
Red Sox
6. This NFL team's quarterback was injured in a car accident, just to spite his fantasy owners, and will be sidelined for a while:
7. Out of the mists of history will come this former NFL great, as he will be a playable player in Madden NFL 15:
John Elway
Earnest Dickerson
John Riggins
Bo Jackson
8. In college basketball, the Ivies made some noise, as __________ beat defending national champion UConn, and _________ lead powerhouse Kentucky for a good part of their game:
Harvard / Penn
Yale / Columbia
Princeton / Dartmouth
Cornell / Brown
9. A highly dissatisfied Kobe Bryant disparaged his team, comparing them to:
Toilet paper
Girl scouts
Bubble bath
Fabric softener
10. Sunday, each of the following division titles were decided, except for:
AFC East
AFC West
NFC South
AFC South

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