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How Well Do You Know: 11/24/14-11/30/14
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1. Something called a Kung Fu Panda will be playing baseball next year in:
Tampa Bay
2. Who lost the rescheduled NFL game played in Detroit?
The Jets
The Bills
The Lions
The Bengals
3. The Battle 4 Atlantis provided some great early season tournament action. Which team won, claiming hegemony over the fabled underwater civilization?
The one coached by Billy Donovan
The one coached by Bo Ryan
The one coached by Roy Williams
The one coached by Steve Alford
4. Meanwhile, #12 Villanova preserved a thrilling victory when Wildcat JayVaughn Pinkston blocked a __________ shot with under 10 seconds to play in a game this week:
5. The slate of NFL games featured inter- intra- same divisions matchups for each of the following divisions, except for:
NFC West
NFC East
NFC South
NFC North
6. As you were ready to pound down the calories on Thanksgiving, this type of canine ruled supreme at the National Dog Show:
A Pekingese
A Bloodhound
A Samoyed
A Golden Retriever
7. Saturday's college football action brought Marshall's perfect season to an end, thanks to a wild 67-66 defeat at the hands of:
Western Kentucky
Northern Illinois
East Carolina
Southern New Hampshire
8. This highly ranked team might have its chances at the national college football playoff thwarted by the broken ankle suffered by its quarterback on Saturday:
Ohio State
9. Martin Brodeur has saved more goals in his career than you will all day, and as of this week, he'll be saving goals for:
The Blues
The Flyers
The Lightning
The Sharks
10. Finally, everyone relax! The brief Oakland Raiders renaissance is over, with the Black and Silver's ________ shellacking again St. Louis this week:

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