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How Well Do You Know: 11/14/14-11/20/14
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1. There were several odd stories this week. First, this band had to cancel its scheduled week-long residency on the Tonight Show after its lead singer hurt his arm in a motorbike accident:
Foo Fighters
One Direction
Imagine Dragons
2. And then there was the bit about a Polish town banning this much-loved figure because of his lack of pants and "dubious sexuality":
Bugs Bunny
Mickey Mouse
Winnie the Pooh
Donald Duck
3. Possibly dozens of people cared that this movie awards show, having existed for a while without hardly anyone realizing it, was televised for the first time ever this week:
Cinematic Achievement in Movies Awards
Hollywood Film Awards
Movie Star Awards
Movie Excellence Awards
4. What they should have had was the Bad Weird Hair Awards, as we had two strong contenders this week.

This, apparently, is the hairstyle choice currently being embraced by which actor?
Robert Pattinson
Charlie Sheen
Jake Gyllenhaal
Benedict Cumberbatch
Meanwhile, the star of Joe Dirt took a photo of himself, having donned his character's signature mullet as filming on the little-requested sequel starts shooting. Remind us who the star of Joe Dirt is:
David Spade
Mike Myers
Adam Sandler
Rob Schneider
6. Cancer took the life of 32 year old Diem Brown, who fans came to know through her struggle with the disease during and after her appearances on this reality TV franchise:
The Challenge
The Amazing Race
Big Brother
7. Sexy Marvel Men Alert, Part 1: Which of these Marvel superhero portrayers has been named as GQ's Man of the Year?
Chris Hemsworth
Chris Evans
Chris Pratt
Robert Downey Jr.
8. Sexy Marvel Men Alert, Part 2: And which of these fellows tops People magazine's list and has been crowned Sexiest Man Alive?
Chris Hemsworth
Chris Evans
Chris Pratt
Robert Downey Jr.
9. Hard-hitting journalist (?) Matt Lauer of the Today Show went there this week. During an interview with One Direction, he directly asked if band member _____ was absent because of substance abuse problems.
One of the the other two.
10. And finally, if you started this quiz completely jonesing for a Miley Cyrus question, then....good for you! The normally camera-shy celeb was spotted at a USC football game politely making out with the son of this famous actor:
Mel Gibson
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Alec Baldwin
Kurt Russell

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