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How Well Do You Know: 11/7/14-11/13/14
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1. Busting out all over the place on the internet this week is an Adult Swim-produced short called Too Many:
2. Veteran's Day in the US brought the Concert for Valor, a multi-artist fest, held in Washington DC and put on by which TV network?
3. Among the many performers was this well-known rock star, who ruffled some feathers when he joined in on a rendition of the decidedly anti-war CCR song Fortunate Son:
Bruce Springsteen
Don Henley
James Hetfield
Alice Cooper
4. HBO, which sponsored the Concert for Valor, was in the news for other reasons this week. Its show The Comeback, which features this former Friends star, came back for a new season nine years after its first season:
Matthew Perry
Lisa Kudrow
Matt LeBlanc
David Scwhimmer
5. Also on HBO this week was the debut of the final season of The Newsroom, whose creator said in an interview that he is done writing for television:
Larry David
David Fincher
Aaron Sorkin
Joss Whedon
6. There were two very different cases of celebrity exposure this week. First:
I said: 'OK, I'm fine doing the topless shot so long as you don't make them any bigger or retouch.' Because it does feel important to say it really doesn't matter what shape you are...
Which actress agreed to a topless shoot, on the grounds that the photos were not retouched or enhanced?
Keira Knightley
Anna Kendrick
Kaley Cuoco
Kristen Stewart
7. Days later, reality show/common sense villain Kim Kardashian appeared flagrantly naked in a spread for a magazine with which name?
8. A Formula 1 racing bigwig has won the heart of which Spice Girl, what with the two having announced their engagement this week?
9. The cast of this show are mourning the death of actress Carol Ann Susi, who provided the distinctive voice for the never-seen Mrs. Wolowitz:
Two and a Half Men
Parks and Recreation
The Big Bang Theory
10. In other grim - yet heartening - news, we read that Sam Simon, the co-creator of this television classic, is spending his final days before succumbing to cancer by giving away his nearly $100 million fortune to charitable causes:
Law and Order
The Simpsons

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