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How Well Do You Know: 10/31/14-11/6/14
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1. Celebrity v. The Internet, Part 1: Comedienne ______ is boycotting Instagram because it has twice removed a topless photo of her on horseback mocking Putin's similar photos.
Chelsea Handler
Sarah Silverman
Jenny McCarthy
Ellen Degeneres
2. Celebrity v. The Internet, Part 2: in a surprising move, this big-time artist has removed all of her albums from the music service Spotify.
Taylor Swift
Katy Perry
Miranda Lambert
By way of explanation.....
When celebrities and the internet fight, it only hurts us.
3. The music legend will soon be able to field his own baseball team, as it was announced this week that he is expecting baby number 9:
Mick Jagger
Lionel Richie
Stevie Wonder
Willie Nelson
This celeb, with a tradition of wearing Halloween costumes that run from the ornate to the outlandish, fielded this butterfly get-up for the holiday:
Heidi Klum
Nicole Kidman
Kim Kardashian
Lady Gaga
5. This unconventional performer performed unconventionally as s/he lit up Saturday Night Live with an incredible eight minute set over the weekend:
Eric Clapton
Cee Lo Green
6. Actress Angie Harmon has officially split from her husband, Jason, of many years. In what sport did the soon-to-be former Mr. Angie Harmon work professionally?
7. CMA Awards round-up, Part 1: Which of these country music stars brought him the coveted and biggest honor of the night Entertainer of the Year?
Luke Bryan
Miranda Lambert
Blake Shelton
Carrie Underwood
8. CMA Awards round-up, Part 2: Co-host Carrie Underwood used the stage to make what personal announcement?
She's having a baby boy
She's pregnant with twins
Her and husband Mike Fisher are divorcing
None of the above
9. Subtitle Ahoy: The next chapter in the Star Wars saga finally gets a subtitle. Complete the subtitle for Episode VII: The Force ______.
10. Here comes the bouncing ball of justice! Phil Rudd, the drummer for this band, was charged this week with plotting to kill two people, but the charges were later dropped for some reason we can't really understand:
The Rolling Stones

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