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How Well Do You Know: 10/24/14-10/30/14
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1. This late night host tweeted: I picked out my Halloween costume. I’m going as "Slutty Madeleine Albright."

....only to get one-upped when Albright herself responded: I'm considering going as hunky ________ - but that might be too far fetched.
David Letterman
Seth Meyers
Conan O'Brien
Jimmy Kimmel
2. And rounding out the Important Political People section of this week's quiz, we note that this head of state finally got with the program and sent out his/her first tweet this week:
Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper
Norway's King Harald V
US Senator Mitch McConnell
Britain's Queen Elizabeth
3. Actually Dead: RIP to classic rock star Jack Bruce, lead singer and base player of this awesome and influential 1960 band:
Blind Faith
Thin Lizzy
Credence Clearwater Revival
4. Not Actually Dead: This Breakfast Club star's publicist resorted to photographing said star with a current newspaper, to prove that rumors of his/her demise were just a hoax:
Judd Nelson
Emilio Esteves
Molly Ringwald
Anthony Michael Hall
5. HBO's Boardwalk Empire concluded its run on Sunday night. Quick, name the main character on Boardwalk Empire.
Kenny Powers
Nucky Thompson
Seth Bullock
umm.....Tony Soprano?
6. Taking a much less dignified exit from the TV landscape is this controversial reality show, which was canned by TLC this week:
Sister Wives
Say Yes to the Dress
Here Comes Honey Boo Boo
Duck Dynasty
7. Marvel dropped all kinds of movie knowledge on us this week at a special press conference in LA. Which of these items was NOT of what was announced?
The next Captain America movie will be subtitled Civil War
The confirmed Black Panther movie will star 42's Chadwick Boseman
A Black Widow movie in 2018 will be the first female starring Marvel movie
The Avengers: Infinity War will be released as two parts
By way of explanation.....
Sorry Scarlett fans, but the first female leading Marvel movie will actually be Captain Marvel.
8. 'Strange'-ly absent from their many announcements, Marvel did not say who was starring in the confirmed Dr. Strange film. But the rumor mill was working overtime with reports that ______ is in final contract negotiations for the role.
Christian Bale
Tom Hardy
Jonny Lee Miller
Benedict Cumberbatch
9. We wouldn't think this Harry Potter series star would be down with hip-hop, but during an appearance on The Tonight Show, s/he did a serviceable job of covering Blackalicious' "Alphabet Aerobics"
Maggie Smith
Emma Watson
Rupert Grint
Daniel Radcliffe
10. She's not a doctor. She doesn't even play one on TV. But when this Oscar winner saw an extra pass out from heat stroke on the set of her latest film, she was the first one at the victim's side:
Meryl Streep
Jennifer Lawrence
Sandra Bullock
Helen Mirren

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