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How Well Do You Know: 10/20/14-10/26/14
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1. For the first time in recorded college football history - which is the only history that really matters - one conference put 4 teams in the top 5 of the AP poll. And to the surprise of absolutely no one, that conference was:
Big 10
Big 12
2. Many said it was too good to last, and apparently they were right. Ole Miss's fantastic season finally suffered a blemish as they were handed their first defeat of the season by:
South Carolina
3. Meanwhile, this team turned things up to Ludicrous Speed, tallying 82 points in their victory on Saturday:
Texas A&M
Michigan State
4. But not all is hunky dory in the world of college sports, as 3000 students - about half of them athletes - enrolled in classes they didn't actually attend at this university, according to a newly-released report:
5. And this major college sports factory unveiled a plan to pay each of its athletes a sum of upwards of $10,000 each:
Notre Dame
6. In NFL happenings, there was news on the Michael Sam front, as he:
Was traded by the Cowboys
Was promoted to the Cowboys official roster, but has yet to play in an actual game
Was released from the Cowboys practice squad
Played a down in an official NFL game
7. Defense was strictly optional for these two NFL teams, both of which surrendered more than 50 points to their opponents on Sunday:
St. Louis and Indianapolis
St. Louis and Cleveland
Chicago and Indianapolis
Cleveland and Chicago
8. Meanwhile, the lead in this division changed hands on Sunday:
AFC West
NFC South
AFC North
NFC West
9. Some baseball news? Why the heck not. With the World Series possibly still being played, the manager for this team suddenly said "I'm outta here" and posted his resignation:
Tampa Bay
10. And as the NBA season is set to begin, it will do so without one of its class acts, as this old-timer hurt his back and will be out for the season - and, possibly, will see his career end:
Tim Duncan
Andre Miller
Paul Pierce
Steve Nash

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