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How Well Do You Know: 10/17/14-10/23/14
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1. The comedy world apparently decided, "Oh, what the hell," as it bestowed upon this guy the Kennedy Center's Mark Twain Prize this week:
Dana Carvey
Jay Leno
Chevy Chase
Steven Wright
2. Here's some celebrity paternity math for you. This star is expecting his fifth child by way of a third woman:
Russell Crowe
Denzel Washington
Jude Law
Robert Downey, Jr.
3. We at SLW are not ignorant of the goings-on in the fashion world, so we poured out a 40 this week at the passing of this design mogul:
Yves Saint Lauren
Ralph Lauren
Oscar de la Renta
Karl Lagerfeld
4. The internet freaked the F out this week when this actress, whose visage has.....changed dramatically since she was last in the public eye, appeared on a red carpet:
Reese Witherspoon
Renee Zellweger
Uma Thurman
Charlize Theron
5. The comicbookmovie fans in your life were probably all giddy at this week's debut of the trailer for the next Avengers movie, which will be subtitled "Age of _________":
6. And offering a completely different take on the cinematic superhero, Birdman opened to rave reviews this past weekend. Quick, who played Birdman?
Ed Begley, Jr.
Noah Wiley
Michael Keaton
Crispin Glover
7. If you spit your gum at host Zach Galifianakis at the end of your Between Two Ferns interview this week, then you have a surprising amount in common with this A-Lister:
Nicolas Cage
Brad Pitt
Matt Damon
Samuel L. Jackson
8. Shortly before Brad P. spit his gum out at Zack G., the former starred in Fury, which debuted in theaters last weekend. In the critically-acclaimed World Ward II film, Fury is:
A tank
A bridge
An army company
An invasion code-name
9. Folks, you'll have to revise your kids' Christmas wish lists, now that protests successfully forced Toys R Us to yank action figures based on this TV show from its shelves:
Game of Thrones
Sons of Anarchy
Breaking Bad
10. I feel sick. Bye Twitter. Taking my talents to instagram. Having received a storm of mean-spirited tweets following a remark she made about gun violence, which supermodel shuttered her Twitter account?
Kate Upton
Brookly Decker
Chrissy Teigen
Adriana Lima
11. Maintaining a gangster character on the show bore more than a passing resemblance to him, an actor (that you probably haven't heard of) from this mobster movie (that you probably have heard of) is suing The Simpsons for $250 million:
The Godfather
Analyze This
12. A recording glitch resulted in a track containing eight seconds of white noise to be included on this singer's album. That track - which, remember, is nothing more than eight seconds of static - is now at the top of the Canadian iTunes chart. Who is the artist?
Katy Perry
Taylor Swift
Lady Gaga

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