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How Well Do You Know: 10/10/14-10/16/14
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1. RIP to this old(ish)-school Saturday Night Live alum, who passed away at age of 57 right after SLW went to press last week:
Victoria Jackson
Julia Sweeney
Jan Hooks
Nora Dunn
2. You’re so handsome that I can’t speak properly.Which female celeb reportedly got all hot and bothered when she met U.S. President Obama this week?
Claire Danes
Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting
Gwyneth Paltrow
3. This Very Important Actress's profile was boosted even more this week when she was made a Dame by none other than Queen Elizabeth this week:
Halle Berry
Angelina Jolie
Julia Roberts
Cate Blanchett
4. This band had a rather good week. Not only were they featured in a multi-part series on HBO detailing their new album, but they were also appeared in a multi-night residence on Letterman this week:

5. There are many, many different Sexiest Woman Alive titles each year, but that won't stop us from offering our congratulations to this international woman to whom Esquire awards the title for 2014:
Penelope Cruz
Keira Knightley
Tatiana Maslany
6. Hot damn, exclaimed comic book movie fans, at this week's news that this Avengers character might cross over into the next Captain America film, due out in 2016:
Iron Man
The Hulk
7. Actor Taylor Kinney and his much more famous girlfriend Stephani Germanotta held their commitment ceremony over the weekend. "Stephani who?" you ask, unless you remember the birth name of the singer known better as:
Lady Gaga
Ariana Grande
Katy Perry
8. While one of the aforementioned singers was busy getting committed, one of the other committed to performing at February's Super Bowl halftime show. Which one?
Lady Gaga
Ariana Grande
Katy Perry
9. The broadcasting world was turned on its head this week when this network announced plans to make its content available through streaming, no longer requiring subscribers to go through their cable carriers to view programming:

10. This Oscar winner has a new "Jobs" when he will be playing the Apple boss Steve Jobs in an upcoming film.
Russell Crowe
Christian Bale
Matthew McConaughey
Jared Leto
11. Your next Oscars host will be none other than the person best known for this television role:
Doug Ross
Jack Donaghy
Barney Stinson
Charlie Harper
By way of explanation.....
The man hosting the Oscars will be Neil Patrick Harris, not George Clooney, Alec Baldwin or Charlie Sheen
12. Prolific actress Elizabeth Pena passed away this week at 55 years old. Among her many roles was the voice of what Pixar movie character?
Mirage from The Incredibles
The Witch from Brave
Princess Atta in A Bug's Life
The Axiom ship in Wall-E

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