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How Well Do You Know: 10/6/14-10/12/14
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1. And lo, many things came to pass and, incredibly, the new #1 team atop the AP college football poll after the dust settled this weekend is:
Mississippi State
2. If this school wants to contend, it will likely have to do so without its one-time Heisman candidate running back, who is likely suspended for the rest of the season:
Florida State
3. Fans of ties in the NFL saw their damn wishes come true this weekend, as regulation plus overtime were not enough to decide the issue between teams from these two divisions:
AFC South and NFC North
AFC West and NFC East
AFC East and NFC West
AFC North and NFC South
4. And we don't believe it either, but this guy passed for five touchdowns in one half of football Sunday (though it was basically against JV-level competition):
Tony Romo
Andy Dalton
Joe Flacco
Kirk Cousins
5. The puck was dropped on the NHL season, and your defending Stanley Cup champion Los Angeles Kings found a rude welcome to the new year, as in its first game they were blanked 4-0 by:
San Jose
6. Yes, the baseball postseason is still being played. The first games of the LCSs were contended at these two stadiums:
Kaufman Stadium and AT&T Park
Camden Yards and AT&T Park
Camden Yards and Busch Stadium
Kaufman Stadium and Busch Stadium
7. And this was the rather unusual reason that the start of Game 1 of the ALCS was delayed by several minutes:
An umpire was clobbered over the head and replaced by an impostor
No one volunteered to sing the national anthem
A light from the television broadcast mobile studio was shining on the field
The regulation game balls could not be located
8. And there's some NBA pre-season doin's a-transpirin'. Four players from this team earned themselves a suspension for the season opener when they left the bench during a pre-season kerfuffle:
9. This international city gave fans a glimpse of the season's marquee matchup, as it hosted a tilt between the Heat of Maimi and the Cavaliers of Cleveland:
10. But all is not well with the Association, as it will be without this big, big star for up to eight weeks after he went and busted his foot this weekend:
Chris Bosh
Derrick Rose
Carmelo Anthony
Kevin Durant

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