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How Well Do You Know: 9/22/14-9/28/14
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1. This NFL team broke its streak of not firing a GM since 1985 by firing its GM for the first time since 1985:
The Twins
The Braves
The Reds
The Padres
2. This baseball club, involved in a race for the post-season, lost a suspended game begun more than three weeks ago:
Kansas City
San Francisco
3. Meanwhile, a rain delay prevented this pitcher from meeting a innings pitched bonus, thereby costing him $500K:
A. J. Burnett
Max Scherzer
David Price
Phil Hughes
4. And the very last game of the MLB season saw a no-hitter thrown by a pitcher for:
A team out of the playoffs
A Wild Card team
A division champion
A division champion with home-field advantage throughout
5. Old and busted: Darko Milicic, failed NBA lottery pick. New hotness: Darko Milicic....
Champion bull-rider
Professional kickboxer
European dart-throwing champion
High school volleyball coach
6. As the fury over the NFL's handling of players charged with domestic abuse, much as been made of similar pending charges against this female athlete:
Veuns Williams
Swin Cash
Diana Taurasi
Hope Solo
7. I drafted many of you to my fantasy work team so make sure to grab me some points today at your workplace. Don't let me down. Which NFL receiver tweeted thusly during the week?
Steve Smith
Eric Decker
Stevie Johnson
Pierre Garcon
8. The kids were right to laugh and point and NFL linebacker Stephen Tulloch this week when he found out he was be sidelined for the season from an injury suffered last Sunday during a celebration. Tulloch plays for these guys:
Kansas City
San Diego
New England
9. Break out your countin' fingers, and tell us the total number of turnovers committed Thursday night by Washington's Kirk Cousins, who had absolutely no interest in winning the game against the New York Football Giants:
10. If you found yourself in Merry Ole' England on Sunday, you had a chance to witness first-hand an NFL game won by a team from:
AFC East
AFC West
NFC South
NFC North

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