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How Well Do You Know: 9/12/14-9/18/14
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1. In one of the more amusing pop culture kerfuffles lately, everyone got all up in arms about Apple automatically downloading an album from this band onto their devices - so much so that a "removal tool" had to be made available by the computer company:
Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band
Maroon 5
2. On the subject of computer companies and popular media, Microsoft ponied up about $2.5 billion for the rights to this widely-played, low-tech-ish game:
Angy Birds
3. But that was just the start of a turbulent week for musicians. This guy caught all sorts of hell by bitching at a group of people for not standing at his concert. So there's that. Except, oh, yeah, one of them was in a wheelchair.
Jay Z
Justin Bieber
Kanye West
4. Meanwhile, this female singer thought it would be nice to visit her alma mater, prestigious LaGuardia High School...until the school asked her in no uncertain terms not to come:
Nicki Minaj
Katy Perry
5. And one of the same four females mentioned above eviscerated CBS from dropping her from its Tuesday Night Football pre-game segment, purportedly out of concern of the Ray Rice fiasco, despite the fact that she had absolutely nothing to do with the incident.
Nicki Minaj
Katy Perry
6. One final musical note, though, thankfully, something from the lighter side: Everyone found themselves chuckling over a viral story about grandmas who somehow kept tagging this old-school rap impresario on Facebook:
Easy E
Big Daddy Kane
Fab Five Freddy
Grandmaster Flash
7. This state can now claim hegemony over all others, as Kira Kazantsev, its representative in the Miss America pageant, walked away with the title:
New York
8. The stork finally came a-callin' to Eva Mendes, who gave birth to a baby girl this week. Remind us which actor, who you may have heard of, is the father:
Christian Bale
Jonah Hill
Ryan Gosling
Macaulay Culkin
9. And we don't think any of us will forget the time Kristen Wiig went on Ellen's show.....

...and the two delivered an brutally bad version of this popular, popular song:
All of Me
All About That Bass
Let it Go
Call Me Maybe
10. And finally, let's hear if for this one-time reality TV star, who married this week and officially took the surname Tell:
Laguna Beach's Lauren Conrad
Survivor's Richard Hatch
American Idol's Paula Abdul
Dancing with the Stars' Julianne Hough

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