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How Well Do You Know: 9/5/14-9/11/14
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1. Just how powerful is the National Football League? Enough that CBS moved TV's #1 comedy, The Big Bang Theory, to this day of the week, so it could broadcast a handful of NFL games on Thursday nights:
2. Joan Rivers got the star-studded, entertaining funeral she had wished for. This over-the-top funny guy delivered the eulogy:
Louis CK
Howard Stern
Howie Mandell
Lewis Black
3. "Rock is dead," declares a famous member of this famous band, going on to say that the genre was done in by online file sharing:
The Rolling Stones
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Pearl Jam
4. Watch out for the Regina George in sheep's clothing... Singer A tweeted thusly, suggesting that she might be the "straight-up enemy" that singer B referred to in a recent interview. Which two female celebs might not be getting along very well?
Lady Gaga and Madonna
Katy Perry and Taylor Swift
Beyonce Knowles and Nicki Minaji
Ariana Grande and Selena Gomez
5. Comedy icon Mel Brooks made an impression with this entry in the cement at TCL Chinese Theatre, as he:
Drew a slightly obscene cartoon in the cement
Purposefully misspelled his own name in the cement
Added an extra finger to his hand
Wrote "George Clooney" as his name in the cement, then crossed it out
6. Reality TV got a new entry this week with a show that tasks participants to develop their own perfect society in isolation. What is the idealistic name of this show?
Paradise Found
Heaven on Earth
Return of Kid Nation: Now Just Disillusioned 20-somethings
7. Rest in Peace, Richard Kiel. You will always be remembered for your iconic portrayal of formidable villain _____.
Odd Job
Dr. No
8. If you starred in this summer blockbuster, then your 2014 gets a little bit better with news that you are also the host for Saturday Night Live's season opener.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Amazing Spider-Man 2
X-Men: Days of Future Past
By way of explanation.....
Chris Pratt will host with Arianna Grande as musical guest.
9. Dr. Peter Venkman himself, Bill Murray proposed his dream team of an all-ladies lineup for Ghostbusters 3. Which of these actresses is NOT on his list?
Kristin Wiig
Melissa McCarthy
Emma Stone
Cameron Diaz
By way of explanation.....
No, Murray didn't name check his one-time Charlie's Angels co-star. Instead his fourth spot went to Freaks & Geeks' Linda Cardinelli.
10. Checking the Reality-TV-to-Video-Game file, we note that this competition-based program may make its way to a gaming console near you in the near future:
Top Chef
The Voice

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