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How Well Do You Know: 8/15/14-8/21/14
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1. The Expendables 3 tried to bring even more familiar action faces to its latest entry with additions of Wesley Snipes, Antonio Banderas, Mel Gibson and (for some reason) what Emmy winning sitcom star?
Ted Danson
John Larroquette
Kelsey Grammer
Alan Alda
2. GASP! A widely circulated publicity photo for the new season of Downton Abbey accidentally included what not-time-period-specific item?
Water bottle
Digital watch
Mechanical pencil
Microwave oven
3. This week's Hollywood baby boom included new additions to the families of all of these except:
Christina Aguilera
Christian Bale
Carson Daly
Brooklyn Decker
4. Television announcing legend Don Pardo passed away this week at the age of 96. What show did he lend his distintive voice to for 39 years?

5. Coldplay's Chris Martin clearly has a thing for Oscar winners and vice versa. Which of these Academy Award winners is the rumored rebound for the other half of Gwyneth's "conscious uncoupling"?
Hilary Swank
Renee Zellweger
Cate Blanchett
Jennifer Lawrence
6. For the eighth year in a row, _____ has topped Forbes list of highest earning, like, several touchdowns, raking in a staggering $47 million, with the second-place finisher bringing in only 17% of that figure:
Adriana Lima
Kate Upton
Heidi Klum
Gisele Bundchen
The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is the definition of a successful viral campaign with so many famous people participating. This band took the challenge to the next level with their Carrie-esque prom version.
Foo Fighters
30 Seconds to Mars
One Direction
8. Two decidedly different musical genres have produced an unexpectedly effective result, as various country artists collaborated to cover songs of this hard rocking band on "Nashville Outlaws: A Tribute to __________”:

9. Meanwhile, this rock star had to go into damage control mode, apologizing for his "kill yourself" comment used in a diss against those suffering from depression:
Gene Simmons
Ted Nugent
Mick Jagger
Adam Lambert
10. Where there's smoke, there's fire? The rumor mill took a shot across the bow of this America's Got Talent personality's marriage with many many reports the couple are now living separately.
Nick Cannon
Howard Stern
Howie Mandel
Heidi Klum

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