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How Well Do You Know: Clue
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1. When Clue was released in theaters in the happy-go-lucky days of late 1985, there were this many possible endings shown in different theaters:
2. The film shows the murder of this many people:
By way of explanation.....
Mr. Boddy, the motorist, the policeman, the maid, the singing telegram singer, and the cook are all killed
3. Along with the characters from the classic board game, the film included Wadsworth the butler and the noticeably cleavaged maid named:
4. Which of the guests is the first to arrive, and is told by Wadsworth that that aliases will be used for all the guests?
Professor Plum
Ms. Peacock
Colonel Mustard
Mrs. White
5. When several of the characters first meet Wadsworth, they:
Say they have met Wadsworth before
Suddenly act like they are at the wrong address
Start sneezing
Act like they smell something bad
6. Wadsworth notes that, upon their first encounter, this guest and the maid seem to know each other:
Miss Scarlet
Colonel Mustard
Mr. Green
Mrs. White
7. __________ has an accident on the road to the house, and is given a lift by ______________:
Miss Scarlet / Professor Plum
Mrs. White / Colonel Mustard
Professor Plum / Ms. Peacock
Mr. Green / Mrs. White
8. Who is the last attendant to arrive?
Mr. Boddy
Miss Scarlet
Mr. Green
Mrs. White
9. As the guests are slurping away at their soup, they eventually establish that they all live in this city:
Washington, DC
New York
10. After dinner, Wadsworth gathers the guests in this room, and reveals that everyone is being blackmailed:
Billiard room
11. Who is very forthcoming that they did what they are being blackmailed for?
Mrs. White
Professor Plum
Colonel Mustard
Miss Scarlet
12. Who is a homosexual?
Professor Plum
Mrs. White
Miss Scarlet
Mr. Green
13. As Mr. Boddy is being revealed as the blackmailer, the maid is tape recording the conversation in:
Dining room
Billiards room
14. The rope, the wrench, the lead pipe and the other weapons are:
In boxes distributed by Mr. Boddy
Discovered in different rooms of the house
In boxes distributed by Wadsworth
Found in various drawers in the kitchen
15. Mr. Boddy proposes to kill:
Colonel Mustard
The maid
16. Whose wife killed herself?
Colonel Mustard
Professor Plum
Mr. Green
17. The cook is killed with the:
Lead pipe
18. Mr. Boddy was thought to be dead, but actually wasn't, until someone ultimately did kill him. Who discovers the body of really-dead-this-time Mr. Boddy?
Mrs. White
The maid
Mr. Green
19. The group meets the stranded motorist right as they are getting ready to:
Flee the house
Dispose of Mr. Boddy's, body
Chase Wadsworth from the house
Throw a key away
20. The group pairs up to search the house. Which of the following accompanies Miss Scarlet?
Professor Plum
Colonel Mustard
Mr. Green
21. The motorist is offed while talking on the phone in the:
22. Who finds first secret passage the connects different rooms in the house?
Professor Plum
Mrs. White
Colonel Mustard
Ms. Peacock
23. Who inadvertently shoots the chandelier, which nearly kills Colonel Mustard?
Ms. Peacock
Mr. Green
The maid
24. A policeman visits the house, and takes a call from this figure:
J. Edgar Hoover
Richard Nixon
Harry S Truman
Elliot Ness
25. Say goodbye to Yvette the maid, who is done in with the:
Lead pipe
26. Meanwhile, the policeman is eliminated with the:
Lead pipe
27. The singing telegram singer has just a few moments of screen time, but alert audiences recognized her as the lead singer of:
Fleetwood Mac
Go Gos
The Bangles
28. Played by Howard Hesseman, the Chief visits the house in the guise of:
A door-to-door salesman
An evangelist
A dog catcher
A stumping politician
29. Wadsworth recaps the events of the evening, working his way toward the identity of the killer(s), by:
Drawing a diagram of the rooms on a large sheet of paper
Making crude match-stick figures of all of the houseguests and victims
Running from room to room
Doing vocal impressions of each of the houseguests and victims
30. The third possible ending shown in theaters has each murder executed by a different character. Which two single characters are named as the killers in the other endings?
Colonel Mustard and Ms. Peacock
Mr. Green and Professor Plum
Ms. Peacock and Mr. Green
Miss Scarlet and Mrs. White

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