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How Well Do You Know: 7/4/14-7/10/14
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1. A former reality TV star wed longtime fiance Eric Johnson this week in California. So welcome to life-long wedded bliss to:
Nicole Richie
Kirstie Alley
Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi
Jessica Simpson
2. In more wedding news, most of the Full House gang reunited for the Montana-based wedding of which series star?
John Stamos
Dave Coulier
Bab Saget
Lori Loughlin
3. It's baby on board time for actress Eva Mendes. She is a whopping seven months pregnant with which dashing fellow's baby?
Chris Evans
Taye Diggs
Ryan Gosling
Henry Cavill
4. Speaking of people that would make pretty babies, Sofia Vergara has a new beau that happens to be on a his own hit series (on cable). If combined their two series titles, it would be:
Mad Family Men
True Modern Blood
Walking Dead Family
Breaking Bad Family
By way of explanation.....
The lucky fellow is True Blood's Joe Manganiello.
5. Meanwhile, if, for God knows what reason, you wanted to catch a sanitized version of Miley Cyrus's Bangerz tour, then all you needed to do was to turn into this network for a two-hour special Sunday night:
BBC America
6. Matters of family, privacy, and religion were at the fore when this big-name celeb eloquently bludgeoned British Tabloid the Daily Mail this week:
Clint Eastwood
George Clooney
Ben Affleck
Steven Spielberg
7. Oscar Winners on TV, Part I: CBS' sci-fi summer series Extant has the distinct (possibly dubious) honor of having which of these Academy Award winners as its star?
Halle Berry
Hilary Swank
Jamie Foxx
Kevin Spacey
8. Oscar Winners on TV, Part II: Meanwhile, this recent recipient of an acting Oscar picked up an acting Emmy nod, as the TV award nominations were announced Thursday:
Matthew McConaughey
Cate Blanchett
Jared Leto
Lupita Nyong'o
9. Old point of 'View' comes to your TV with the reported return of ______ to the daytime chatfest with Whoopi.
Rosie O'Donnell
Elizabeth Hasselbeck
Joy Behar
Meredith Viera
10. In closing, the family of a classic movie star is suing Duke University over the rights to the name "Duke" to sell a brand of Whiskey. Feel bad about yourself if you don't know that which of the following was known as The Duke
Jimmy Cagney
John Wayne
Humphrey Bogart
Charles Bronson

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