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How Well Do You Know: 6/27/14-7/3/14
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1. Hi, I was arrested for causing a disturbance during a Broadway performance of Cabaret, shortly after chasing a man hysterically through Times Square. You may know me as:
Lindsay Lohan
Justin Bieber
Shia LaBeouf
Amanda Bynes
2. The View continues to hemorrhage cast members and has only one remaining full-time host with the recent departure (*cough* firing *cough*) of two of its hosts. Who's the last woman of today?
Sherri Sheperd
Jenny McCarthy
None of the above
3. 80s nostalgia took a hit this week with the announcement that Meshach Taylor died at 67. He was one of the stars of what long-running sitcom?
Night Court
Different World
Desigining Women
4. You can't expect AutoCorrect to fix everything. BET bestowed a lifetime achievement award on this singer but failed to proofread the award. Thus, the singer's name was misspelled.
Lionel Richie
R. Kelly
Teddy Riley
5. Which of these news items popped up this week that seems to be the epitome of "following in your father's footsteps"?
Robert Downey Jr.'s son is arrested for drug possession
Eminem's daughter is signed to a record contract
Mark Hamill's son is cast in the new Star Wars film
Tom Brokaw's daughter is named as Diane Sawyer's replacement on ABC's Weekly World News
6. Giving America hope that not all celebrities are vapid and void of value, this Oscar nominee was caught doing the selfless thing by giving her first-class seat to a U.S. soldier.
Amy Adams
Diane Lane
Viola Davis
Ellen Page
7. Our old-time-sitcom-lovin' hearts were gladdened this week when Disney Channel began a spin-off of this throwback TV show:
Boy Meets World
The Wonder Years
Small Wonder
8. One step closer to its Manifest Destiny of "#sixseasonsandamovie", sitcom Community has found a new home for its sixth season. Where will this 13-episode season air?
9. If news broke this week that your husband had an affair with a transgender model, then you have a disturbingly large amount in common with this one-time reality show personality _______.
Holly Madison
Nicole Richie
Kendra Wilkinson
Britney Spears
10. In more Tales of the Recently Separated, we read that singer Jewel and husband Ty Murray, who had this occupation, have split:
Film director
Software mogul
Rodeo cowboy
Ballet dancer
11. Jennifer Lawrence, Lady Gaga and Rihanna are all females in the top 20 of Forbes' list of the World's Most Powerful Celebrities. But the top spot on the list is claimed by this woman:
Katy Perry
Ellen DeGeneres
Oprah Winfrey
By way of explanation.....
See the full, very interesting, list here

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