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How Well Do You Know: 6/20/14-6/26/14
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1. This country group thought it was a good idea to cast noted cleavage-wielder Kate Upton in the video for their new song Bartender:
The Band Perry
Florida Georgia Line
Lady Antebellum
2. Say hey to up-and-coming director Rian Johnson, the man behind the camera for this recent time-travel film, as he has been chosen to direct the next two Star Wars movies:
About Time
Source Code
Edge of Tomorrow
3. Rising Star, the latest product to roll off the Reality TV Music-Maker assembly line, boasts as its judges each of the following except for:
Kellie Pickler
Brad Paisley
Josh Groban
By way of explanation.....
The fourth judge is Kesha, not Kellie
4. Fans attending the kickoff of Pearl Jam's European tour politely continued to rock out as the band worked a bit of this popular movie tune into one of their songs:
Let It Go from Frozen
Happy from Despicable Me 2
You've Got a Friend in Me from Toy Story
My Heart Will Go On from Titanic
By way of explanation.....
5. While you mowed and barbequed in your backyard this weekend, this famous news-media woman when and got married in a backyard:
Katie Couric
Robin Roberts
Diane Sawyer
Deborah Norville
6. Lots of awkward pauses, empty teleprompters, colorful expletives and sexual innuendos during the actual ceremony, it was a complete hot mess. This was the Washington Post's summation of this event, broadcast (fortunately) only on the internet:
American Comedy Awards
People's Choice Awards
Daytime Emmy Awards
White House Correspondence Dinner
7. The SLW International Diplomacy department reports that Seth Rogen and James Franco's film The Interview has led to the duo being banned by this dangerous country:
North Korea
8. This notable conservative actor upset the apple cart this week when, in an interview with Playboy, he can't use misogynistic or homophobic language without all hell breaking loose:
Mel Gibson
Gary Oldman
Sylvester Stallone
Kelsey Grammer
9. The worlds of royalty and pop culture met this week when Britain's Queen Elizabeth II visited the set of Game of Thrones and was photographed with the series' iconic _______ Throne
10. RIP Eli Wallach, highly respected actor who passed this week at age 98. Wallach appeared in the landmark spaghetti western The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, in which he played:
The Good
The Bad
The Ugly
He wasn't even in the movie, so forget that we said anything. Don't know what we were thinking, sorry.

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