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How Well Do You Know: 6/13/14-6/19/14
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1. RIP Casey Kasem. Aside from hosting America's Top 40, Kasem lent his voice to a character on this famous cartoon show:
The Smurfs
Scooby Doo
The Jetsons
Masters of the Universe
2. And this public figure joined Jimmy Fallon in "The Evolution of Dad Dancing," as the two moved from the innocent "The Belt Grabber" and "The Lawnmower" to the more mocking "The Bridge Is Closed":
Dick Cheney
Barack Obama
Chris Christie
Ted Cruz
3. It just so happened that Father's Day was the 20th anniversary of this rather well-known film, in which a father played a rather important role:
The Lion King
Finding Nemo
Die Hard
4. Get out your abacus. Add up the revenue brought in from this person's tour, merchandising and clothing line, and you'll find out that 2013's biggest money-earner among musicians is:
Kanye West
Jay Z
5. The Justice League officially has their Aquaman and he will be played by Jason Mamoa. Mamoa previously was on the big-screen headlining which of these movie reboots.
Punisher: War Zone
6. Setting the "Putting your money where your mouth is" bar REALLY high this week was _______, who pledged $7 million of his/her own money for ocean conservation.
Leonardo diCaprio
James Cameron
Angelina Jolie
7. In this week's crime blotter, we read that one Mike Sorrentino was arrested for his part in a tanning salon brawl. Sorrentino, who is much more widely known under a moniker, sprang to fame in this reality TV show:
Jersey Shore
Big Brother
The Amazing Race
8. And speaking of Big Brother, which was decidedly not the answer to the previous question, this singer's brother Frankie was revealed to be among the cast of BB16 this week:
Ariana Grande
Jessie J
9. An Honor Bestowed (Long-Overdue Edition): Three Oscars were apparently enough to finally earn a knighthood for this acclaimed film figure:
Al Pacino
Daniel Day-Lewis
Martin Scorsese
Morgan Freeman
10. An Honor Bestowed (Not So Long-Overdue Edition): In an attempt to be a little less stodgy, Washington DC's National Portrait Gallery has temporarily installed a painting of this female singer:
Carrie Underwood
Lady Gaga
Katy Perry
Taylor Swift

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