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How Well Do You Know: 6/6/14-6/12/14
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1. There ain't nothing funny about a six-car pile-up. This actor lingers in critical condition following a multi-car accident this week:
Steve Carell
Chris Rock
Tracy Morgan
Steve Martin
2. Reclusive artist Bill Watterson, best known for this beloved comic, secretly drew several panels of Pearls Before Swine this week:
Calvin and Hobbes
Bloom County
Rose Is Rose
Family Circus
3. After 18 years of marriage, Antonio Banderas and Melanie Griffith are divorcing. Let's take this time to remind you that Griffith is an Oscar nominee. But for which movie?
Just keep reading...
because she hasn't done...
anything award-worthy other than...
Working Girl
4. A lovely young lady named Nia Sanchez made her mark on pop culture this week. How?
She was crowned the new Miss USA.
She is the reported other women in Jay-Z's life.
She has been cast as The Wasp in the Ant-Man movie.
That's the real name of rapper/billboard chart topper Iggy Azalea.
5. Before there was Candy Crush, Bejeweled and even Dr. Mario, there was Tetris. June 6 marked the __th anniversary of the seminal block video game.
6. Your friends might have forwarded posted their sympathies as they passed on news items about the passing of this Golden Girls actress, even though the comedienne actually died *four years ago.*
Betty White
Rue McClanahan
Bea Arthur
Estelle Getty
7. The trailer for the long-awaited (and gestating) sequel to the 1994 film Dumb & Dumber hit the Internet this week. Quick...what is the official name of this sequel?
Dumb, Dumber & Dumbest
Dumb & Dumber Too
Dumb & Dumber To
Still Dumb & Dumber
By way of explanation.....
Yes...The original film is now 20 years old. Join SLW in being depressed about this fact.
8. This Game of Thrones author finally joined Twitter....but don't get excited, his lone tweet said that he won't be tweeting much. Name the author of the Game of Thrones series.
James Patterson
Robert Jordan
Rick Riordan
George R.R. Martin
9. It was as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror ....and then suddenly breathed easier, as this actor's injury on the set of Star Wars Episode VII turned out to be a minor foot boo-boo:
Harrison Ford
Carrie Fisher
Mark Hammill
Anthony Daniels
10. First she was, then she wasn't....then she did. After several days of doubt that she'd actually show up for her scheduled performance at the World Cup opening ceremonies, this big-name singer actually followed through with her commitments.
Jennifer Lopez
Katy Perry

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