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How Well Do You Know: 5/16/14-5/22/14
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1. Revisiting its schlocky reality dating roots, Fox launched a new series "I Want to Marry Harry" about ladies being courted by a dude pretending to be _____.
Prince Harry
Daniel Radcliffe
Harry Hamlin
2. This week was what passes for Ratings Xanadu for ABC, as the alphabet network crowned its most recent Dancing with the Stars champion, who is better known as a/n:
Former child actress
Olympic skater
Paralympic snowboarder
3. Also on ABC this week, audiences met the new Bachelorette, a chaste maiden of virtue true who goes by this name:
4. If you're like us, you damn well know who Rachel Bilson is, but plum forgot that she was dating this C-level actor, with whom she is now expecting a child:
Justin Long
Josh Gad
John Krasinski
Hayden Christensen
5. The Billboard Music Awards got all futuristic and kinda tacky with a "performance' by this deceased singer in the form of a hologram.
John Lennon
Michael Jackson
6. And yet said hologram was dynamic, lifelike and cognitive compared to this member of the Kardashian horde, who completely botched a teleprompter-aided introduction of a band during the awards:
7. Oopsie...A supposedly hastily thrown-together costume by Macklemore to perform 'Thrift Shop' in concert resulted in cries that he was perpetuating _______ stereotypes.
African American
Native American
8. Google celebrated the 40th anniversary of this entertainment indulgence with a playable version on its home page this week:
Rubik's Cube
Simon Says
Atari Game System
9. Cannes 'BOO' Attitude, Part I: Which of these Crazy Stupid Love fellow's directorial debut "Lost River" has been loudly panned at the French festival?
Ryan Gosling
Steve Carell
Kevin Bacon
Josh Groban
10. Cannes 'BOO' Attitude, Part II: The latest starring role of this big screen superhero was so harshly received that he didn't even attend any after parties (but spent time being consoled by his wife).
Hugh Jackman
Ryan Reynolds
Chris Evans
Tobey Maguire
11. Solve for the name of the target of this week's tweet from (Republican) Wheel of Fortune host Pat Sajak:"I now believe ___ ___ ___ are unpatriotic racists knowingly misleading for their own ends."

12. The nameless sequel has finally be named. The Ben Affleck/Henry Cavill superhero combo film is officially called "Batman v. Superman: ____ of Justice"

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