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How Well Do You Know: 4/25/14-5/1/14
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1. SLW is particularly sad this week with the passing of Bob Hoskins at the age of 71. The acclaimed British actor is probably best known for his role in which SLW favorite?
Back to the Future
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
The Rocketeer
Princess Bride
2. Busy...busy. This fellow, who has either just started a new late-night gig or been an announced replacement, will serve as host at this year's Emmy Awards.
Stephen Colbert
Jimmy Fallon
Seth Meyers
John Oliver
3. "There and Back" is officially out and the new subtitle for the last Hobbit film will be:
Into the Fire
Battle of the Five Armies
Full Circle
The Final Fleecing
4. And of course your read this weird pop culture news item, in which a landfill in Middle of Nowhere, New Mexico yielded a stash of old Atari video games associated with this 1980s movie classic:
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Lethal Weapon
5. Normally, senior citizens get pretty fired up when people get on their lawn. SLW wonders if that was the case when officers came and arrested this music icon for a domestic dispute with wife Edie Brickell.
Bob Dylan
Paul Simon
Peter Gabriel
Don Henley
6. Stop the presses. Perennial bachelor George Clooney is engaged. And she's a _____ to boot.
Lingerie football player
Nuclear physicist
7. Veteran hip hop figure DJ EZ-Rock died this week at the age of 46. The course to his huge hit with Rob Base "_______" is probably playing in your ears right now.
It Takes Two
Rappers' Delight
My Adidas
My Posse's on Broadway
8. Signing off this December will be ______ who released this statement this week:“[The network] and I are not getting divorced, we are ‘consciously uncoupling. But we will still spend holidays together and share custody of the fake horse and robot skeleton, both of whom we love very much.”
Arsenic Hall
Drew Carey
Carson Daly
Craig Ferguson
9. The nerdgasm heard 'round the world resulted from the cast announcement for the upcoming Star Wars Episode VII. Along with a bunch of newbies, all of the following original trilogy cast are returning, except:
Harrison Ford
Mark Hamill
Carrie Fisher
Billy Dee Williams
10. FHM Magazine, which frankly we keep forgetting still exists, published its annual list of the 100 sexiest women. The carefully calibrated scientific criteria used by FHM determined that this recent Oscar nominee is the fairest in all the land:
Amy Adams
Lupita Nyongo
Jessica Chastain
Jennifer Lawrence

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