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How Well Do You Know: 4/11/14-4/17/14
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Very surprised. I got 7 out of 10. I figured I had at least 4 and that would be it.
M1KEL0VESMOVIES 4/17/14 5:23 pm


1. A television institution began its victory lap this week, as Mad Men began the conclusion of its 7th and final season. Quick, pick out the list below that doesn't belong among the Mad Men cast:
Christina Hendricks
Elisabeth Moss
Timothy Olyphant
John Slattery
2. The fetching Christina Hendricks is indeed a member of the Mad Men cast. But did she give the following quote this week, or was it one of the other well-endowed women listed below? "I wish I had smaller boobs every day of my life as I would love to wear spaghetti tops braless or go for the smallest bikini designs. Every single day I'm like, 'Oh man, it would be so much easier', especially if people didn't constantly bring them up."
Yep, Hendricks said this
Nope, that was from Modern Family star Sophia Vergara
Huh-uh. Kat Dennings from 2 Broke Girls said it
No, this was offered by supermodel Kate Upton
3. Righteous rock fans had their hearts broken at the (perhaps premature) news of the demise of this band, following word of mainstay Malcolm Young's health problems:
4. Meanwhile, the messy situation feared by many never materialized, as which of these seminal grunge acts was now immortalized in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?
Pearl Jam
Alice in Chains
5. Your Emo-hipster friends will gladly tell you all about Coachella, the music festival held this week in which US state?
New Mexico
6. Jenny McCarthy's very long and strange journey through celebritydom continued this week with the announcement that she is engaged one of the brothers of this showbiz family:
7. From the Things That We Forgot Were Still Things file, we read that the MTV Movie Awards were held this week. This celeb, recognizable by a single name, hosted.
8. But at least somebody really wanted to win an award. "We was robbed. Shame on you MTV." Losing an On-Screen Duo award to Vin Diesel and recently deceased Paul Walker, whose post-show tweet was chock-full of sour grapes?
Will Farrell
Jonah Hill
Matthew McConaughey
Ice Cube
9. This singer is on a tour of sorts...unless of course you happen to live in one of the several cities that she has canceled shows recently because of the "flu" or death of her dog or whatever reason she is giving at the moment?
Katy Perry
10. Drawing on your vast understanding of network synergy, then it shouldn't have surprised you at all that this week's Dancing with the Stars featured tunes from this type of movie:
Outer space movies
Horror movies
Sports movies
Disney movies

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