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How Well Do You Know: 4/4/14-4/10/14
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1. If you contributed to the $96 million it made in its debut (or seen any TV, billboard or website lately), you know that the subtitle to the record-breaking sequel to Captain America contains _______.
The name of a bird
The name of a color
The name of a season
The name of a country (OK, the name of a country *other* than America)
2. Let's keep the Cap news rolling. Disney officially announced that Captain America 3 (subtitle yet-known) will open on May 6, 2016, which happens to be the same date as which anticipated blockbuster?
The Batman/Superman film
The Harry Potter prequel Fantastic Beasts
X-Men: Apocalypse
Hunger Games - Mockingjay, Part 2
3. Apparently looking forward to having much more time to devote to Will It Float? experiments, this entertainment guru shocked audiences with news of a retirement in 2015 this week:
Jon Stewart
David Letterman
Ellen DeGeneres
Dr. Phil
4. If you didn't know that, then you're not gonna know this....Thursday, it was announced that the shoes of the person we mentioned in the previous question will be filled by:
Ashton Kutcher
Stephen Colbert
David Spade
George Lopez
5. RIP Mickey Rooney. The screen legend and Honorary Oscar winner died this week at 93, leaving as one of his last memorable movie performances a turn in this "Night" film:
Friday Night Lights
Night at the Museum
Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas
Good Night and Good Luck
6. Along with his children Fifi, Pixie and Tiger, this music impresario is mourning the death of his socialite daughter Peaches:
Quincy Jones
Daniel Lanois
Rick Rubin
Bob Geldolf
7. "It sounds tacky. It's lazy and flippant. And there's something kind of violent about it. There's something insulting about it." __________ said this in an interview this week, about how s/he doesn't like the moniker ______________:
Justin Bieber / The Biebs
Jennifer Lopez / JLo
Scarlett Johansson / ScarJo
Lindsay Lohan / LiLo
8. And speaking of the deceased, it will be curtains for this comic mainstay, whose death to take place in a July comic was announced this week:
9. At the intersection of entertainment, politics and unexpected nudity, you'll find the cover of the newest Rolling Stone, which features this funny woman posing without clothes but with the Constitution scrawled across her bare back:
Tina Fey
Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Amy Poehler
Melissa McCarthy
10. And Glee stunner Naya Rivera is a single lady once again, having driven through Downtown Splitsville with this rap star, ending their engagement:
Big Sean
Lil Wayne

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