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How Well Do You Know: 3/21/14-3/27/14
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1. "Everybody say 'Political dynasty!'" This late night host pulled off a coup when he snapped a selfie with the Clinton family:
Jimmy Fallon
Jimmy Kimmel
David Letterman
Craig Ferguson
2. In more late night news, Kevin bacon recreated iconic scenes from which of his movies on Tonight Show?

3. There's a new Queen of Facebook, as this singer set a record for the most liked Facebook account, with more than 86 million people having given her the thumbs up:
Katy Perry
Miley Cyrus
4. It was off to the Casting Department in the sky for popular character actor James Rebhorn. You largely remember him as "that guy in that one movie, but can you pick Rebhorn out of the lineup below?

5. Apparently trying to re-enact some Chili Peppers lyrics, this increasingly wayward star basically got his skull kicked in under a downtown Los Angeles bridge notorious for drug dealing:
Andrew Garfield
Zac Effron
Justin Bieber
Ryan Gosling
6. This week was your very, very, very last chance to play Spot the Pineapple, as this series came to an end after eight season on the air:

7. We haven't done celebrity anagrams for a while, so indulge us. Which of the below are the scrambled first names of a celebrity couple who split this week?
Banana Glider
Junes Saltine
Shying Wretch
Aloha Mints
By way of explanation.....
The other options are scrambles for Brad/Angelina, Justin/Selena and Ashton/Mila
8. Now, of course we're talking about Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow heading to downtown splitsville. And in typical Gwynnie fashion, she termed the event as:
Deliberate disassociation
Sagacious separation
Cognizant detachment
Conscious uncoupling
9. Everyone who still has a job as a host of an entertainment news-related program, please step forward. Not so fast there.....
Maria Menounos
Mario Lopez
Billy Bush
Nancy O'Dell
10. And we close with the rather odd note that this rap act has chosen to release one single solitary copy of its new album, subtitled Once Upon a Time In Shaolin:
Bone Thugs-n-Harmony
Wu Tang Clan
Jay Z & Kanye West
Arrested Development

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