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How Well Do You Know: 3/7/14-3/13/14
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1. If you strayed into the intersection of pop culture and politics this week, you'd have found yourself Between Two Ferns, as this comedian hosted Barack Obama on his popular web interview series:
Ed Helms
Stephen Colbert
Mike Birbiglia
Zach Galifianakis
2. The Simpsons bade a bittersweet farewell to beloved character Edna Krabappel. This recently deceased actress's trademark "Ha!" was heard a final time in a Ned Flanders dream sequence:
Yeardley Smith
Nancy Cartwright
Marcia Wallace
Pamela Hayden
3. At the head of music's Rich Kids Table is this superstar, who, according to Billboard has earned the most over the last year:
Taylor Swift
Katy Perry
Bruce Springsteen
By way of explanation.....
The rest of the top 10: 2) Kenny Chesney; 3) Justin Timberlake; 4) Bon Jovi; 5) Rolling Stones; 6) Beyonce; 7) Maroon 5; 8) Luke Bryan; 9)P!nk; 10) Fleetwood Mac
4. Banzinga! cried the fans of this network series, upon learning that the show had been extended all the way through the 2016-17 season this week:

5. Returning to the limelight after two months in rehab, Ke$ha made this important announcement:
She's retiring from music to move into acting
She was secretly married while in rehab
She will appear in this summer's all-celebrity edition of Big Brother
Her name is now Kesha, not Ke$ha
This celeb's self-portrait sketch figured into a news item about the star this week. Who are we looking at here?
Lindsay Lohan
Amanda Bynes
Jennifer Love Hewitt
Amanda Seyfried
7. Meanwhile, this is a list:

The list is purportedly some of the people a particular famous woman had sex with. We'll give you the same options as the previous questions. Whose sex list are we looking at here?
Lindsay Lohan
Amanda Bynes
Jennifer Love Hewitt
Amanda Seyfried
8. Boldly going into the drunk tank was which member of the updated Star Trek cast, who was cited for a DUI this week?
9. "I don't know if I'm going to want to act anymore. I'm always relieved on the days I don't have to. I'd rather give parts to other women than be the woman having the parts Lena Dunham, who you may or may not know as the delicate flower starring on this cable series, might not be doing the whole acting thing much longer:
Game of Thrones
Sons of Anarchy
10. And speaking of women who are on TV shows, as the beginning of the end of Man Men approaches, this series star appears on the cover of New York magazine wearing only a pair of overalls and discussing her brief but disastrous marriage to Fred Armisen:
Elisabeth Moss
Christina Hendricks
January Jones
Jessica Pare

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