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How Well Do You Know: 2/28/14-3/6/14
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1. People are mad, mad, mad at some guy named Arthur Chu and the tactics he is using to "ruin" this much-loved game show:

2. Say, did eventual Best Picture Oscar winner 12 Years a Slave also win similarly at the Spirit Awards held the previous evening?
Nope, Nebraska did
Nope, American Hustle did
Nope, Gravity did
3. It's a union that seemed inevitable, mostly. Ashton Kutcher got engaged this week. Remind us, to whom is he to be wed?
Rebel Wilson
Rachel Bilson
Cobie Smulders
Mila Kunis
4. Oscar Shenanigans, Part 1: The selfie that broke Twitter. If you were one of the millions of people that retweeted this picture from the Oscars then you know that 'Smiley' is covering up which Oscar winner?
Julia Roberts
Charlize Theron
Anne Hathaway
Reese Witherspoon
5. Oscar Shenanigans, Part 2: The acting Oscars had a repeat winner in Cate Blanchett but she couldn't have been the only acting winner to ever be nominated before, right? RIGHT?!?
Right, Matthew McConaughey has been nominated before.
Right, Jared Leto has been nominated before.
Right, Lupita Nyong'o has been nominated before.
Wrong, this was the first nomination for McConaughey, Leto and Nyong'o.
6. Oscar Shenanigans, Part 3: Speaking of Blanchett, she was photographed leaving an LA tattoo parlor after her win. Which of these fellow Best Actress nominees was with her?
Judi Dench
Meryl Streep
Sandra Bullock
Amy Adams
7. Oscar Shenanigans, Part 4: Even if you didn't watch the Oscars, you most likely know that this man badly, horribly and bewilderingly butchered the name of singer Idina Menzel, calling her "Adele Nazeem" before her performance of Best Song nominee Let It Go:
John Travolta
Mel Gibson
Jim Carrey
Justin Timberlake
8. The Razzies (or the anti-Oscars) were handed out this week too. Which of these is true about the Smith Family Space Adventure known as After Earth?
Son Jaden won Worst Actor
Daddy Will won Worst Supporting Actor
Both of them won
Neither of them won
9. Congratulation, Romain Dauriac. Who? Oh he's the guy responsible for getting ________ pregnant (oh...and he's her fiancé).
Kate Upton
Scarlett Johannsson
Elizabeth Olsen
Chrissy Tiegen
10. Speaking of babies, Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale welcomed another boy into their growing brood. The name of what mythological figure is missing from the baby's shown here: ______ Bowie Flynn.
11. Kids love the video games these days. And so they are likely planning to play some hooky upon the release of the upcoming Batman game, which we learned this week will be called Batman: Arkham ____________
12. And finally.....

The 163rd season of Dancing With the Stars will include another heaping helping of celebs, among them which classic Star Wars actor?

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