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How Well Do You Know: 2/17/14-2/23/14
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1. The time for Games is over. With the Olympics having closed, this country walked away with the highest total medal count:
2. And don't you hate Olympic hockey? Me too! The US men's team was taken to the woodshed in the bronze medal game, being fustigaed 5-0 by:
South Korea
Czech Republic
3. At least one of college basketball bigshots Syracuse or Duke emerge from the weekend on a 2-game losing streak, right? Right??
Right, Duke has lost 2 in a row
Right, Syracuse has lost 2 in a row
Right, both have lost 2 in a row
Wrong, so forget we said anything
4. So Syracuse, having won its first 45 games to open the season, lost for the first time this year Wednesday night against the boys from:
Chapel Hill
Chestnut Hill
5. And Michigan State's uneven season got even un-evener after Sparty was swept for the season in its loss to this Big 10 team:
Ohio State
6. This NFL team announced a major redesign of its uniforms, which kinda look rather similar to last season's uniforms:
Kansas City
New England
Tampa Bay
7. But that was nothing. The rights to terminal hissyfitter Jim Harbaugh were nearly traded from the San Francisco 49ers to this perpetually troubled team:
New York Jets
8. Shoe-in Hall of Famer Tony Gonzalez has joined the CBS pregame family. Meanwhile, these two have been booted out of the family:
Shannon Sharpe and Dan Marino
Dan Marino and James Brown
Shannon Stewart and James Brown
Shannon Stewart and Bill Cowher
9. Jason Collins will become the first openly gay player to suit up for an NBA team, now that he has been signed by the:
10. If you are one of the females that was on the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue that was released this week, please step forward. Not so fast there.....
Nina Agdal
Chissy Teigen
Genevieve Morton
Lily Aldridge

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